Yellow looking veins and leaf tearing

Hey all,
Not sure if I've got a problem here from some sort of deficiency or if its a heat related issue but some of my plants are exhibiting yellow veins on the bigger, upper leaves. They are still seedlings and don't get much food apart from a weak dose of chilli focus when I water them once a week(I bottom water only when the soil is dry and plants wilt without heat being the primary cause). You can see in the pictures they look yellow and very visible. I expect the main veins to be visible but even the little tiny ones on the leaf are quite visible.
Some of my bigger plants and now my seedlings are also showing some weird leaf tearing. The leaf crinkles and rips. I don't know what causes this but I have seen it in alot of pictures on this forum, not sure if its normal or if its treatable/preventable.

The plants get day light, either direct or ambient, then the seedlings will sit under T5's for a few more hours. They are not overwatered, Ive really cut back hard on my watering.
The bottom picture looks like it has the start of fertilizer burn. This could be from the soil you're using, if the manufacturer puts their own fertilizer in it (often true of potting soils.) Alternately, could be what you are putting in. Your plants are too young to need much fertilizer at this point. Start by flushing well with water, and only use water for a few waterings. When you do return to fertilizing, use 1/4 strength to start with, and only gradually build up. 
Yellowing is most often caused by overwatering. Don't stick to a rigid once-a-week schedule, but let each plant tell you when it needs to be watered. While in cups/pots, the best way to tell is by weight - simply pick up each pot. First water them thoroughly, then pick up the pots to get an idea of how heavy they are when freshly watered. Then let them get to the point the leaves slightly droop, and pick them up again. It is at roughly this weight you want them to be between waterings. You'll get to a point where the weight tells you the leaves will droop very soon, and you can water before that happens, but it takes a few times around.
geeme said:
The bottom picture looks like it has the start of fertilizer burn. This could be from the soil you're using, if the manufacturer puts their own fertilizer in it (often true of potting soils.) Alternately, could be what you are putting in. Your plants are too young to need much fertilizer at this point. Start by flushing well with water, and only use water for a few waterings. When you do return to fertilizing, use 1/4 strength to start with, and only gradually build up. 
Yellowing is most often caused by overwatering. Don't stick to a rigid once-a-week schedule, but let each plant tell you when it needs to be watered. While in cups/pots, the best way to tell is by weight - simply pick up each pot. First water them thoroughly, then pick up the pots to get an idea of how heavy they are when freshly watered. Then let them get to the point the leaves slightly droop, and pick them up again. It is at roughly this weight you want them to be between waterings. You'll get to a point where the weight tells you the leaves will droop very soon, and you can water before that happens, but it takes a few times around.
I do generally water by weight and by physical appearance and that "usually" coincides with 1 water a week. It can range from 5 days to 10 days but with temps hitting 38c/100f down here they usually lose most water after 5 days. I will try cut back the watering to see if this helps. The chilli focus stuff I use is pretty week it suggests 5ml per litre for seedlings, I use 5ml per 4l and the plants won't take all that water, its how much I need to fill my watering container, I'll remove the nutes and see how things go from there. The potting mix I bought does come with trace elements and organic matter. My next grow season I will go with a raw potting mix with no additives and see how things go. Ive noticed on my bigger plants when the leaves touch the soil, they turn yellow in a day or two and die.
kylec said:
Maybe its under fed I'm not sure. Ive never herd of chilli focus is it chemical fertz or organic
Chilli focus is organic its made from mineral salts, with organic plant acids and seaweed. Its a 3:1:4. The label says it also contains magnesium, sulphur, boron, cobalt, nickel, humic acid and fulvic acid.
This a ball park guess... but maybe it a ph issuse if ur ph is off ur plants cant take up nutes or take up to much just guessing tho
Sarge said:
 Ive noticed on my bigger plants when the leaves touch the soil, they turn yellow in a day or two and die.
Yeah, that's not letting them droop a little, that's drooping a lot. Don't wait that long. 
geeme said:
Yeah, that's not letting them droop a little, that's drooping a lot. Don't wait that long. 
No no they don't droop and touch, I was making a statement about the lower leaves being burned by touching the soil. None of my plants have lower leaves since most touch the soil and died off.
My PH tester came. Its one of those cheap units off eBay that you stick the metal prongs into the soil. Not sure how accurate it is but my soil is moist, and PH is at around 6.5.
Edit: Just checked my plant outside which is presenting the most burnt looking leaves and leaf tearing, and its PH level is 5. I used the same exact soil with the same exact methods for watering. I did nothing different with any of my plants. Heres some pics of that plant. Its a yellow 7 pot.

Anyone have any ideas? Should I add anything to lower acidity levels?
I've got a similar problem sarge, I'm gonna give them a foliar spray with Epsom salt solution tonight, ill let you know if it helps, I also use chilli focus, never had an issue with it before! the yellowing and tearing is only on 1 of my habeneros and bhut jolokias, I'd say it will probably sort it's self out the majority of my plant looks healthy
Andy21 said:
I've got a similar problem sarge, I'm gonna give them a foliar spray with Epsom salt solution tonight, ill let you know if it helps, I also use chilli focus, never had an issue with it before! the yellowing and tearing is only on 1 of my habeneros and bhut jolokias, I'd say it will probably sort it's self out the majority of my plant looks healthy
Epsom salts as in the bath salt stuff? Let me know dude
Sarge said:
Epsom salts as in the bath salt stuff? Let me know dude
You should be able to find it in your garden centre, think it's the same stuff but with any perfume in it, you're from oz aren't you? They sell it in bunnings :)
Andy21 said:
You should be able to find it in your garden centre, think it's the same stuff but with any perfume in it, you're from oz aren't you? They sell it in bunnings :)
Sure am dude. Ill check out masters tomorrow I might head over there. Is it in the gardening stuff
#Andy & #Sarge, do give us an updates about how the leaves react after application of Epsom salt.  I have similar leaves problems (bubbly leaves & yellow tips to new growth).  I think last year I apply Epsom salt foliar spray but don't see much differences so I am never quite sure the result of my actions.
I applied it a couple days ago to my more yellow plants. Two table spoons diluted in 1l of water done foilar and a root feed. Will post my updates. I think my leaf tearing though was caused by fertilizer. I'm having mixed results outside too I will update my glog tomorrow.
Hey guys yeah It seemed to help, plants got greener and the leaves have not showed any more signs of tearing... I've got another problem now though lol always one thing after another :-/ weird that sarge has the same new problem? Maybe we over dosed them with calmag? I did only use a small amount though so I doubt it!