pickling Yellow Tabasco peppers pickled

Okay. Average first freeze here is November 15. According to the forecast it ain't gonna happen this year. Just got off the golf course wearing my skort.
Anyhoo, i have yellow tabascos I'd like to sorta pickle. I'm thinking it's just clear vinegar and some canning salt. It basically makes a hot vinegar you dash on greens or beans. Anybody ever try this?
I've made sauce and dehydrated the red ripe ones.
We had a huge thread on this a month or so back if you want to search it, but the concensus was:

You are fine to do it that way but keep it in the fridge. If you don't pressure cook it or boil it, it is not "canned" it is "jarred" and will not be safe for consumption if stored at room temp.

I personally think that it would take you a year for tabascos in vinegar to go bad at room temp, but DEAR GOD!!!!! Don't let chilehunter hear you say that.It will become a never ending thread.
cheezydemon said:
We had a huge thread on this a month or so back if you want to search it, but the concensus was:

You are fine to do it that way but keep it in the fridge. If you don't pressure cook it or boil it, it is not "canned" it is "jarred" and will not be safe for consumption if stored at room temp.

I personally think that it would take you a year for tabascos in vinegar to go bad at room temp, but DEAR GOD!!!!! Don't let chilehunter hear you say that.It will become a never ending thread.
I went ahead and put them in recycled bottles. Added a boiled brine of clear vinegar, canning salt, tumeric and a dash of fruit fresh. Into the fridge it went. Thanks guys!