yellowing around the edges

What's wrong with this plant?  Would it benefit if I put them in the tub and run the shower on them since they have been indoors since October?  I mainly water them every 3 to 4 days with fish fertalizer, should I cut back and just give them water?
That does look a bit like fertilizer burn. What strength
fish fertilizer are you using? It should be very dilute for
feeding every 4 days. At full strength I would only use
it every two weeks at most.
Also maybe a feeding with a little extra P and K rather
than just the nitrogen in the fish fert.
Good luck getting a handle on it. Maybe someone more
knowledgable than I will sally forth with a comment.
Regardless of the NPKs, fish fertilizer is a great organic nutrient that will grow a pepper plant from cradle to grave.  But why are you feeding it so often?  I've never seen anyone actually overdose a plant with FF.  But you may very well be the one to prove that it can be done.
Too much of any good thing is a bad thing.  When you use a nutrient, you can only use up to a certain % of TDS - or Total Dissolved Solids - in your nutrient solution.  Once you've exceeded that, you start causing all sorts of problems at the molecular level with the soil. (or in this case, the container media)  On the other hand, "fertilizer burn", is dessication of the roots, which makes it impossible for the plant to take up anything at the affected area.
This doesn't look like a fertilizer burn to me, but it does look like a lockout.  Just relax a bit...  Don't fertilize those plants for the next 3-4 weeks, and keep an eye on them.  During that time, don't expect any growth.  Just ride out the situation, and resist the urge to be reactionary.  If the situation takes a turn for the worse, you will want to repot them in new media.