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Yellowing from all this rain - What to do

All my big leafy beauties are starting to yellow from all this heavy rain....what can I do to fight back at nature
Sit out with your plants with an umbrella singing 'koombayarr' as you protect your babies. They will love you for it.:dance:
Had the same problem a few months back at the start of our season when we had all that rain. Thankfully they bounced back pretty much as soon as the sun returned. Now mine are all yellow again from too much sun! Can't win.... f#$%@^%^&#@%$#&$#&*$^%#!!!!!! (excuse my french... been dranking :drunk:)

For that reason, actually glad to see rain back!!! :lol:
Hi all,

Just an update

Sorry I've been quiet, Ive been on annual leave. I had bad yellowing, stunting and pest like you wouldn't believe. Solved the yellowing with triple boost. Confidore really helps with pests. As with stunting, some of my chillis are taking off and some aren't. That part is still a mystery. I've been told that super hots are a very weak hybrid and its not unusual to hear cases of people having big difficulties getting them to grow.

The reason I think triple boost is working is that the rain is leaching any nutrient out of the growing medium. Most of you will find you will need to up the feeding with a fertilizer thats mild enough to not burn, but good enough to keep the food supply the plants need during all this rain.

I've also found that this rain has caused my habs to grow large and flavorless with virtually no heat. Hopefully the fertilizing will solve that problem too.
+1 on the Triple Boost (great stuff! mild but still effective). I have been relying pretty hard on it myself lately. While I also have Dynamic Lifter pellets mixed in my medium, I think you are spot on when you say the rain is leeching the nutrients out of it. That aside, I also suspect that heat may be a factor as well and is somehow preventing my plants from taking up nutes. Between deluges of rain and intense sun with no real middle ground, it's a wonder my plants are still alive at all!