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Found them today first time I have seen them
They seems to be only on the fruits ?

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I picked as many as I could off and did some tests in a cup neem oil killed them on contact it seems that the eggs were empty so I'm guessing that those guys came from them thanks for the ID

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Those are definitely stankers. Keep an eye on the situation. When there's one clutch of eggs and nymphs, others are likely to follow.

I harbor an irrational hatred for stankbugs. They aren't particularly difficult to eradicate, & there are far more destructive pests, but something about their whole stanky lifestyle just irks me on a primal level.
Nasty little things come to think of it I saw a fully grown one the other day on this plant. I picked it off and it sprayed that nasty stuff. Gross little creatures I'm goin to be inspecting all my plants for eggs just to be sure.

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