Young leaves on Jalapeno plant getting curly

The new young leaves growing on my jalapeno plant are getting curly in shape. I have noticed a few aphids on the plant too and I did try to spray my plant with a home made spray (water + dish washing liquid soap).
I am posting a picture of the plant, if anyone can suggest as to what could be causing it. And any suggestions as to what I can do ?
Link to direct full size image:
aphid damage - if you notice the main part of the plant damaged is the young tender growth..
kill the aphids...nothing more you can do...high nitrogen levels draw aphids which is another subject for another time...
at this stage of the game I would say use whatever....ah...just saw you are from india...I have no clue what to tell you to get, but a pesticide that is pepper friendly could be used, a soapy solution could be used, a neem oil solution could be used...or even a high pressure hose could be used...main thing is you want to get rid of the adults AND eggs or treating them won't do any good..
Looks like mites to me, broad mites specifically. They are not visible to the naked eye and severely stunted some of my plants a few years back.

AzaMax is a neem derivative that I found very helpful.
To me it actually looks like some kind of nutrient deficiency...... if there is no visible pest, you may want to consider what kind of fertilizer you are using, and maybe a liquid vitamin as well.
AlabamaJack said:
kill the aphids...nothing more you can do...high nitrogen levels draw aphids which is another subject for another time...
at this stage of the game I would say use whatever....ah...just saw you are from india...I have no clue what to tell you to get, but a pesticide that is pepper friendly could be used, a soapy solution could be used, a neem oil solution could be used...or even a high pressure hose could be used...main thing is you want to get rid of the adults AND eggs or treating them won't do any good..
FWIW, Neem oil should be easy to find in India.