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Young rocoto leaf curl issue

As you can see on the pictures, the leaves on my rocoto plants are curling downwards for some reason. I have other types of peppers and they are absolutely fine and healthy, only rocotos are being difficult. They are in growing medium of compost, perlite and coco coir, I only water when they go almost dry. What could be the reason for this curl?
rocoto curles.jpg

No treatment is required for this, it happens when the temperature is off or the humidity is wrong however doesn't really effect the plant in any negative way
Those rocotos look fine to me. They are probably about to fork and branch out. That leaf curl usually means that once the forks happen, those folded leaves will shed off. Either that, or the plants want bigger pots, but I doubt that, since their current pots seem adequate for their current size.

Do you see any hairy nubs starting to pop out of the nodes?
Powelly said:
No treatment is required for this, it happens when the temperature is off or the humidity is wrong however doesn't really effect the plant in any negative way
That's reassuring. They could be a little too warm here on the window. As soon as it worms up a bit more I'll put them in the greenhouse, they seem to prefer cooler conditions.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Those rocotos look fine to me. They are probably about to fork and branch out. That leaf curl usually means that once the forks happen, those folded leaves will shed off. Either that, or the plants want bigger pots, but I doubt that, since their current pots seem adequate for their current size.

Do you see any hairy nubs starting to pop out of the nodes?
They were repotted only few days ago, they still have to grow into those pots. I just checked for hairy nubs, nothing yet.
I wasn't too concerned but I must say, out of all varieties I'm growing this year, those are most exciting for me, I never even tasted one before and they do look absolutely delicious with thick, juicy flesh.