yield Zone 7a climate, Apartment, Ok sized porch, Decent Sun - What peppers would you go?

Thinking about taking a stab at growing a couple pepper plants this season, while I learn the art of making personal hot sauces. Given these: Zone 7a climate, Apartment, Ok sized porch, Decent Sun - Which peppers would you grow? I am looking something prolific so I can make sauces with them in small personal batches. I am on the ground floor so I have the luxury of being able to move the plants off the porch and in front of my place for sun.

I can probably fit 4 to 5 5 gallon grow bags without the wife unit killing me. I was thinking some a Jalapeno or two for the base, a scotch bonnet, some type of Ghost and two ????

What would you do? Ill probably be here for a season or two as the house gets built.
Depends on your palate. I only ever make sauces from bonnets; other folks have their favorites. Sounds like you've got the right idea already. ;)
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Agree with @Uncle Eckley - depends on your tastes. You can't go wrong with Scotch Bonnets. Also, Paper Lantern Habanero is a milder hab, but a prolific producer. What hot sauces to you like?
Agree with @Uncle Eckley - depends on your tastes. You can't go wrong with Scotch Bonnets. Also, Paper Lantern Habanero is a milder hab, but a prolific producer. What hot sauces to you like?
I like smoked jal type recipes, scotch bonnet + fruit, not a huge fan of Habs, love Peach Ghosts. I have been on a major hot + fruit kick lately. Recently just purchased my favorite hot sauce ever which is Rogue by High River Sauces: https://highriversauces.com/rouge/