• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Zoomanity 2016

Hi all,  
2016 is off to a little bit of a late start.  This is my second year growing peppers and I feel like I've stepped up my game quite a bit.  I'm starting out with a few 78-cell trays with a variety of peppers.  I'm using rockwool cubes to germinate and will use Dyna-Gro Foliage when they start to show some leaves.  After these guys get large enough I will transfer them to cups.  I've got a 10ft x 20ft plot out back where a lot of these will end up.  Unfortunately, I can't take over the entire garden and have to share some space for tomatoes, watermelons, herbs, and other veggies.  Some peppers will probably remain indoor plants.  I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with potentially 100s of plants indoors.  This is what we're working with so far:
Tray 1 (sow 3/31/2016)
Red = Trinidad Scorpion
Blue = African Birds Eye
Yellow = Tabasco
Tray 2 (sow 4/5/2016)
Red = Carolina reapers
Blue = Naga Viper
Yellow = Ghost
Green = Cowhorn (free gift from PepperJoe's)
Red/Blue = Golden Macaroni (free gift from PepperJoe's)
Blue/Yellow = Thai Hot
Tray 3 (sow TBD)
The Set Up:
Tray 1, the Birds Eye's are getting an early lead followed by the Tabasco's.  The Scorpions are on the top (red) and coming along nicely though.  This is about three weeks from dropping the seeds into the rockwool.
Tray 2, I put 2-3 seeds per rockwool and it seems every single one of them germinated for the Thai's (blue/yellow).  No signs of life yet for the Cowhorn or Macaroni's.  Got at least 3 of each Reaper, Viper, and Ghost though, and only after 2 weeks  :dance:
Tray 3, I'll probably set this one up in the next couple of days but I'm running low on space under the lights.....
A couple more pics:
**Side Note.  my pictures are enormous and distort the form all up so I posted links instead.  How can I fix this without opening up all the pictures and re-sizing them?
forum automatically just sets max-width to 100%. there is no image resizing you can do. i don't know why they don't just follow normal bbcode, but whatever.

btw nice plants in rockwool
Tray 3 has been completed.
Tray 3 (4/24/2016)
Yellow = habanero
Red = Cayenne
Blue = jalapeño
The Set Up, there are a pair of Sunblaster T5 HO's under the lower shelf that Tray 3 is on also.  when I move all of these guys into cups I'll have to start using both shelves.
Tray 1, the Birds Eye's are still taking off and just starting to show some true leaves.  I think I'm counting 8 Trinidad Scorpins at this point.
Tray 2, The Thai's are still taking over.
Tray 3: http://i.imgur.com/cxxT1VQ.jpg
Currently I don't have my lights down low, they are still about a foot and a half away from the sprouts.  Should I move them down to within 6 inches or so to avoid stretching?  If they do begin to stretch, when does that start?
Moved sprouts to cups.  Time to start making some room.
Can comfortably fit 15 cups per tray:
In cups:
Trinidad Scorpion
Carolina reapers
Naga Viper

and a couple of the African Birds Eyes

Basically just stuck the rockwool cubes into coco coir and added some 1/4 strength Dyna-Gro Foliage to get them started.  I'm in New England so I'll probably wait until closer to the end of May before we go into the ground.
Full album: http://imgur.com/a/soE16