• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
THP Official Group Glog!
Hey growers! We're about to ring in the new year! Use this Group Glog in 2 ways: Perhaps you don't want to start your own Glog, and that's fine! Just drop your progress posts here! You might have your own Glog but it is very specific, that's fine, drop your more random posts here! Either way, have fun, and enjoy your 2025 grows! THP
Here we go for this year. 3rd time's the charm? Started getting seeds into the ground a couple of weeks ago when it decided to rain and then freeze for two days. Not really trying much new here. I am always finding myself going back to these powders over others. Last year was a huge battle with no rain, wind, no humidity, the never ending sun, aphids, and spider mites. It really does appear that I was extremely spoiled in SoFla with that tropical climate. Learning Texas while working nights for the first 1.5 seasons has been rough. Upgrading from 5gal to mostly 15gal grow bags this year. The misters I've had for a year are finally going to be installed under my grow canopy. As soon as walmart severely discounts promix again some 25...
Scottish 2025 Superhot trial begins !
Hi Guy's The madness has begun again ! ðŸĪŠ 😜😗 My 2024 superhot chilli trial turned out far from ideal trying to find superhots I like but most importantly will thrive in my particular micro climate (my wee Scottish greenhouse) Firstly 2024 weather was rubbish little sun alot of cloud and temperatures much lower than previous year's 🙁 and let's face it "Scottish sumers" often cool and wet for long periods at best ! Add to the above by a number of mistakes by me 🙄 Such as leaving my horticultural bubble wrap on for most of the season, I'm sure it exacerbated into the natural poor light levels of 2024 :whistle: Then my lack of seed continuity labelling :banghead: which lead to my culling my only Dorset Naga :seeya: And a "gigantic"...
SadisticPeppers 2025 Glog
I plan on restarting small. I ordered Chocolate Reaper seeds from Matt's Peppers (ETA Tuesday 2/14) and will be using my patio to grow the plants. I measured it out, and with the 5-gallon Home Depot buckets from my previous venture, I should have space for 24 on the balcony, using drip irrigators and a fertilizer injector. I'll be sure to post up pics soon when I begin the seeding process. Update 2/14/2025: Here's the first pics. Thanks to Matt's Peppers for the quick delivery and the freebies included in the package. I'll be starting my grow this year with Chocolate Reapers.
It's never too early to get started!
Sooo... 2022 season is over and most of my 2023 plants are already there - no reason not to start a new thread already! 😃 See my previous glog... https://thehotpepper.com/threads/2022-too-early-to-get-started.75362/ While all my current plants are technically overwinterers, only a couple have grown through the 2022 season and are considered interesting enough to keep for next seasons grow. Let's start with the famous Schneider farms SB plant, which will be going into it's third season in 2023. It currently doesn't look all that nice but that was also the case during the winter of 2021 so no worries here... Top view: Next in row is my Scotch Brains plant... Top view: And then there's the Humble Servants Homestead (HSH) SB...
Dr. Scoville Glog 2025
Hi all, To start this Glog first this years list. 15 plant i try to overwinter yet half of them are more likely dying than thriving. anyway on newyears day i will start sowing the chinense. next to come in febuary. Have a good one and may 2025 be the year all aphids kill themselfs before the try to eat your chiliplants:fireball:
CHAPTER #01 - LIKE REPTILES It's never too early to say "it's never too early to get started" :seeya: so this year, to counterattack a possible fake summer effect like in 2024, I started 3 months in advance (18th of december). Chiltepin cappuccino - 2024 I sterilized the seeds with a 9:1 water/bleach solution, and presoaked them for 24h, then I put them on paper towel on every heater of the house. As soon as the roots emerged, I put them in soil (instead of waiting for the cotyledons to open on the paper, that maybe was causing more stress to the roots). My friend gave me reptiles heatmats and a reptile UV lamp, that I'm using to heat the soil filled pepper cups (my apartment is cold, now I have 5C degrees more). ðŸĒ🐍ðŸĶŽ Soil is a...
Scandinavian indoor/outdoor grow
I've done some glogs before, but the last two or three I've failed to update after a while during the season. So I figured it would be better to have a glog that will be continuous, documenting each year of growing to the best of my abilities, no promises though. :eh: Anyway, I've mostly been an indoor grower and 2024 was actually the first year I could do a partial outdoor grow. Granted it was on a balcony, but that counts, right? The grow season is a bit short here, so I will keep doing indoor grows but moving plants outside as soon as temperature permits and space allows. Since this is just a short introductory post I think I'll finish with links to my previous glogs and the list will be updated with links to the first post in this...
I've opted to keep details of my crossing projects in this dedicated thread rather than include it in my 2021 Glog Edited this post to summarise what crosses I've got and where they are at, I will try and keep it current. Dates in status column reflect when I've updated the information not when the cross was actually made. I've not included every historic cross I've ever made and ignores anything where I haven't got at least F1 seeds unless I thought it was useful to record. Information might be useful to someone at some point. ChilliCrosser Cross Current Status X001 : Bolivian Rainbow x Cheiro Roxa (C.Annuum x C.Chinense) ðŸ…ŋïļ16/8/21: F1 seeds, not grown on yet. X002 : Fijian Bongo x Cheiro Roxa (C.Chinense x C.Chinense) ❌16/8/21...
CaneDog 2025 Indoor/Outdoor Glog
Seems like it's been forever since I made a glog post, but 2025 is right around the corner and as someone once said, it's never too early to get started! Last year was a tough year with aphids getting into my early season starts and generally cool sucky weather, so I'm hoping for better in 2025. I'll kick things off with some pic's of my current indoor grow, which I've taken over the past couple/few weeks. First up is a Scarlett's Chili x Poblano. They're cool looking plants with great tasting mild peppers. I'm doing a lot of work with Jalapenos and planned maintain this variety going forward while also backcrossing it a bit toward its jalapeno roots. Another Jalapano type I have growing inside is Chile Rayado. I like how fuzzy...
2024 Winter - 2025 Summer Grow Log
TouchedMyEyes 2024 Winter - 2025 Summer Grow Log -50/50 double buffered coco & perlite mix -2x4 tent at 70-75° -VPD 0.5 - 1.0 -300 watts full spectrum LED’s -18/6 at midrange DLI appropriate for age GH Flora + CaliMagic at 4ml for all per gal EC @ 1.0 - 2.0 PH at 5.8-6.2 Watered once daily Most seeds sprouted early November Will update with varieties as they make it into adolescence Ghost White Ghost BOC JWGS JPGS SCORPION
Scottish 2025 "Outdoor" Capsicum pubescens trial
Hi Guy's My new Capsicum pubescens "Outdoor Scottish" trial has began 😁 seeds sown today 👍 in commercial seed mix topped with vermiculite in heated propergater. Having to grow hot and superhots in a Greenhouse here in Scotland space is at a premium so personally I won't "waste" space on mild species such as pubescens however anything hottish that will grow outdoors I see as a free bonus 👍🙂 however my journey into Rocotos has surprised me by how fond I've become of them ðŸĨ° they are truly one of the most beautiful chilli species you can grow if you haven't I'd highly recommend one or two as a side project but be warned they are highly addictive and rather tasty not to mention having a different burn making them seem hotter than they...
Marturos 2025 Glog.
Hello everyone, welcome to my 2025 Glog. 2024 was a great year for peppers we grew many new varieties with great tasting pods. 2025 is looking good so far we just got the seeds planted & on the heating mats. A little later than last season however with LEDs we needed to start the plants later. Last season the plants were a little root bound by plant out.. 😃
2025 europe glog
Hello all. As every year I grow some variety of plants and since i just started new season with this cotton sprout I had an idea to run a grow log. Hopefully I will find time to document my progress here. This year I have couple of jalapeno plants in mind, large orange thai i've got form this forums couple of years ago and maybe cayenne and some suave/dulce habanero type chilis (yet to be obtained). Beside peppers i'm looking to grow some classic tomatoes (costoluto/red pear), bottle gourd, cucmbers grafted on pumpkin and variety of pumpkin/squash and mentioned cotton (pots, indors). Last frost date is May 15th to give you some idea on a climate. Cheers.
Tybos' 2025 Glog Attempt
Hello everyone. It's been a long minute since I've posted anything here. Life decided to throw a lot of health issues my way and while some have been resolved, there are some that never will be. I have been checking out the site without logging in most of the time and see some pepper people I knew are still on here. I'm gonna attempt a Glog and see how that goes. I have lots of seeds in the fridge that are getting pretty old so I thought I'd try to start a few. So far I've tried to sprout some wilds with out much luck. I do have a 2018 model of Galapagos Long from Canedog that popped rather quickly. Looks like it will be my glog pic. I began with a soak in a H2O2/RO water mix for 24 hours then placed the seeds into Rapid...
Isotope's Half Life Log - 2025
Follow along and see what pests, weather conditions, and other setbacks I'm fighting this year. Who knows.. maybe I'll get some pods? C. rhomboideum Tiberius Mauler Caramel BBG7 Orange Purple Flower Tiger Fang F2 Volante Peach Yellow Cyril Mini Olive Rocoto Chiltepin x Lemon Drop Aji Guyana x Variegated Sugar Rush Stripey F2 Pimenta Barra Do Ribeiro x Variegated Sugar Rush Stripey F1 Mattapeno ((Aji Guyana x Black Biquinho F1) x Variegated Sugar Rush Stripey M3 ((Aji Guyana x Black Biquinho F1) x Aji Trinity F1) F2 7 Pot Primo Heatless Variegated Sugar Rush Stripey M4 Leopard Reaper Fatalii x Batman BBG7 Orange F2 Aji Trinity F3 C. flexuosum JBVariegrande C. mirabile Venezuelan Tiger x SRTSL Yellow Aji Challuaruro Amarillo Aji...
Hadanero's Lanco Pepper Grow 2025
Time for a new glog! Last year's grow went okay. It could have been better, but I'll take what I learned and try to improve. In particular, a number of varieties from one specific vendor all failed to germinate or failed really quickly after germination. Before I realized they were specific to one vendor, I started looking for a better heat mat and fan. My brother gifted me what seems like a much better heat mat and a much better fan, so I'm hopeful that'll help all the seeds/seedlings do better this year. Not necessarily top of the line, but better than what I was working with. Next up, I think I need to upgrade my lights. I'm using some SANSI bulbs that have been good, but I've got my eye on this panel. And I'd like to think...
JGundo's 2025 Glog
Well its that time of year again when i start round 1 of my peppers. In the Grow Tent.. i want to wish you all a great growing season. I hope I'm better about staying on top of things this year.. LOL ... Below is the starting of the list. Round 1 are in the boxes after 30 days i will sort and start Round 2. i will work on Keeping things UpToDate as i go..
Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers
Just starting this glog now so it's one less thing to do in a few months when I'm knee deep in compost and getting things in the ground.   Not much to report at the moment. Strains yet to be determined, but I'll probably end up growing too many like always...lol     Only thing that's going on right now is a clean back patio and the chickens doing their part turning over my compost pile on the daily. Intersted in seeing how the soil microbes appreciate the added chicken poop!       Hope everyone has had a decent winter so far and here's to happy germination!         EDIT UPDATE: This glog has turned into an ongoing overwintering, greenhouse and soil building how-to!
2024/2025, wiicek, BalcoJungle will rise again!
Welcome to the The BalcoJungle, season 2024/2025 GLOG!!! <= First Year I've had plenty of pictures to choose the representative image from but this one is just beautiful, so, I couldn't say no to it! Ok, I will show you my growing list for the year now, then do a really long summary of the last season - this was my first one, I get to be excited and brag a lot about what I learned and what do I love about what etc etc. It will be in a spoiler, because it is SO MUCH TO READ and nobody should be forced to see that wall. I am proud of pictures tho... And then I will go into the next season, because it has already started. Have an amazing time here, you beautiful soul! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GROW LIST: I -...
Back in the saddle, a 2023 glog
Hello there pepperheads, long time no see! I haven't grown anything since the 2018 season which was not a great one for me. Had okayish yield for an indoor grow, but I was swamped at work and tried too many new things which kind of made me burn out on the growing. I live in an apartment in the city, with no balcony, so I'm a strict indoor grower which has it's challenges regarding space, light, and so forth. But I've had quite good yields despite this. This year is no different, pure indoor grow in the same apartment with the same limitations. This first post will be a bit long since it covers the first month, but I will do my best to do frequent updates for your reading pleasure. With that said, let's go back to late 2022, and I...
Nick's 2025 Glog
I am very excited to start from seed this year. I don't have a lot of experience with (hot) peppers so I decided to do a trial for a several varieties of one specimen. Initial plan is to have chinenses in unheated greenhouse (and maybe in pots?), while annuums/baccatums outside (again, maybe in pots). Current list to grow: Carolina Reaper Habanero Chocolate Habanero, Golden Naga Morich 7pot Primo Moruga Green Yolo Wonder Jalapeno Ruben Anaheim Shishito Sweet Apple Kampe Jalapeno Black Cobra Jalapeno, Mucho Nacho Wild Purple Guatemala Zebrange Champion Habanero, Mellow I planted the chinenses on Feb 3rd to give them a head start. I was a bit too excited, so I decided to also start a few more: Carolina Reaper Habanero Chocolate...
NJChilehead's 2025 GLOG
Before we get started, I wanted to post this image for the GLOG cover. This was one of the last harvests I got from my 2024 plants, which were picked later in December: This is probably the earliest I've ever started pepper seeds! Usually seeds are started between 3/1 and 3/15, but this year I'd like to experiment a little. My reason for starting this early is that I'd like to get split crops from my C. pubescens next year (a spring and a fall crop). Looking at the average temperatures for my area, it looks like the best temperatures for fruit set are from about 4/15 until about 6/1. Afterwards, it would be too hot for fruit set until September: Considering the typical 8-week time frame between germination and plant-out...
OnlyPeppers 2023
It should be a good year for growing peppers. My goal is to find the most productive varieties that thrive in the Texas heat. The growlist will consist of mainly Annuums but there will be a couple non-Annuums here and there. I'll post the official growlist later. Cheers! Grow List: Serrano (Ferry-Morse) Jalapeno Zapotec (Downriver) Jalapeno Pecos (Downriver) Jalapeno Gigantica (Downriver) Jalapeno (Terroir Seeds) Jalapeno (Seeds of Change) Black Cobra (THP) Peruvian Cerezo (THP) Cantina Gold (THP) Thai Scorpion (Ramey Plant Farm) Aji Amarillo (TGCM) XL Antep Aci Dolma X (Downriver) Chiltepin (Terroir Seeds) Peri-Peri (THP) Torres Cattywampus de Arbol (Downriver) Datil (Ebay) Datil (Tim) Datil (Pure Florida) Datil...
Fishiest Grow in Tokyo, 2025 Edition
Hello again, pepper friends! Courtesy of @bansho hot sauce, I'm starting out with two Bahamian Goat seedlings (left) and one Bahamian Beast Peach. I'd had an absolutely terrible time getting anything to sprout recently, so these new kids are a real relief. I retired my Hot Thai and Yatsufusa after I ended up with a few liters of hot sauce and couldn't use it or give it away fast enough, but it's not like I can just not grow peppers. So in a few months, all the sauce should be gone, and hopefully these guys will be giving me something new to work with; I've always wanted to grow Goats, so this is exciting. The Beast variety is something I wasn't even aware of, so that's also fun. Since I've obviously pared things down a lot (heh...
HELLO AND WELCOME ALL TO THE 2025 EDITION, WHERE I GO ALL BLACK EVERYTHING: in the past, i have been enamoured with the lovely look of purple/black foliage plants. my mystery plant from two years ago was a pleasant surprise as it should have been possibly a purple reaper, but turned out to be something much different-looking which kept me interested to see it play out. the peppers themselves were nothing great, but the plant was so magnificent-looking. therefore, it's always been back of mind to want to try more black/purple plant varieties. so this is the year and we're going full tilt with 11 different types in this theme, all of whom are purported in the 1M+ heat range and are strikingly beautiful from the website's pictures which...
SineNomine 2025
Links to my grow logs: 2021 2022 2023 2024 Picture of the only surviving Orange Fatalii clone. This year I will grow in the hanging pots: - Fatalii, V2 2023 - 2 plants - Orange Fatalii / THSC - 3 plants - CGN 21500 / Sulsa 2023 - 2 plants - Mako Akokosrade / Sulsa 2023 - 2 plants. Thanks @Sulsa - Bombay Morich / THSC - 1 plant - Naga Morich / THSC - 1 plant - PI 215734 / Semillas - 3 plants - Habanada / Semillas - 2 plants In the pots at the bottom of the balcony I will grow: - Spezzano's Thai, V2 2024 - 2 plants - Jeromin / MarcV 2022 - 4 plants. Thanks @MarcV - Chile Rayado / CaneDog - 2 plants - Zapotec x Rayado F1 / CaneDog - 2 plants - Zapotec x Orange Spice Jalapeno F1 / CaneDog - 2 plants - Manzano Amarillo Ollantaytambo /...
Blue Peppers
:eek: Filius Blue I'm going to be trying to grow a few of these to crossbreed them with my peppers I'm trying to breed them. To give my peppers bigger fruit and different color combinations This will be my First time growing Blue Colored peppers. Thanks for joining Let me know if you are interested in trying some of These seeds...... I have plenty to share. ðŸĪ“
Decided to drop a few seeds in december for next year so decided to start a '24 Glog early. I'm very lucky in that in addition to a small domestic greenhouse at our house I also have access to a significant space in a commercial greenhouse (our little island used to be the UK's leading tomato supplier but the industry collapsed in the face of cheaper imports from warmer climes so there are a lot of huge greenhouses looking for uses here). In it I grow a lot of perennial stuff that needs a mediterranean climate (or is marginal there) - bananas, figs, tamarillos, various passiflora and my peppers sit interplanted with them. With our mild climate it is possible often to overwinter capsicum of all species in ground in these big...
tsurrie's 2025 glog
Hey all Hoping for this season to be at least as good as the last. Started a few varieties a good week ago, and the winner sprouted today = Papa Dreadie! This is the pic from september. This season's lineup - eggplants in one of those pots (usually they dont sprout for me) - sweet Kurtovska Kapija pepper - Aji Jobito - Pimiente P.L.M. - Scotch Bonnet MoA - Fatalii - Cherry bomb - Calita Red Habanero - Red Savina Habanero - Chocolate Habanero - Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - Papa Dreadie Scotch Bonnet WINNER - Papa Dreadie Now waiting and checking for the others to sprout ... Have a great season y'all.
Jalapeno x Habanero Cross Polinated F1
Jalapeno x Habanero cross polinated F1 about 12 or 13 plants have survived to the week 5 mark soon we will have the worlds first jalapeno habenero f1 peppers and am soo anticipation if they look like the first parent pepper or if they take on more of the jalapeno shape, the mom was orange habenero but when crossed with jalapeno can see clearly turned bright deep red! taste was that of strong jalapeno smell taste and crunch with heat and fiery breath of habanero added unique tang remnicent of fermented wine pretty neat and decent for a habapeno that i didnt even know would be possible to make, the plants are growing faster then the original much similar in apearance to the habenero but with added vigor slightly thicker leafs seams more...
Water Raft Pond
kids pool made into a river raft pond there all exotic peppers buena mullata, purple tiger, habanero red, arbol, explosive ember, carolina reapers, bell pepers, all that and then some is easy simple never need to water is best version of how to grow so far ive found with water is fun and i made a door there for adding the water and juice n all is fun simple container garden blessed gardening weee!
JAB Farms to attempt GLOG for first time!
I've been told for years that my craziness should be documented somewhere. Well, I'm going to attempt it. Each year I like to start at least 3 times what I am planning for myself. I do fill 3 other (neighbors and family) gardens as well but even so have tons of plants. And on average I have 500 hot pepper plants in our garden, with 35-50 superhots in buckets on deck. (along with 75 tomatoes, okra, tons of cucs in garden) This year I started 42 types of HOT peppers, 12 types of sweet (not for me!). I'll attach photo's later - so in some kind of order) as I have several in my 30+ trays of 48 as I am starting transplanting and putting back under lights until they are ready for greenhouse. There are 3 - 5 shelf shelving units inside...
2023/2024, wiicek, Let's Make BalcoJungle!
Welcome to The First BalcoJungle Year! Second Year => Hi! Oh, I love watching that kind of stuff... I am not too experienced in growing peppers, I used to grow some tomatoes but since I moved out from my family house, I didn't have space to grow anything. I bought allotment garden (I think that's the word, english is not my native language) but I can't seem to find time to care about it full time from march to october, it's not as near my flat as I'd want it to be but maybe one year I will make my life a little bit less messy and take make it work. Now I live in the apartment with a balcony, it is at western side and in the summer the heat is kinda out of control. I think it will do! Oh, I dream of the jungle here! This year I bought...
Tokyo Tent Tribulations 2023-2024
Well here we go again! After my friend @Alejandro took the last two plants off my hands (Jamaican red hab and sugar rush cream), I'm starting from scratch for the first time in a while. Very, very humble beginnings: One sprout and one hook! Granted... they're both basil. :) Still under the lid, waiting for hooks: Alma paprika Looking forward to having these again. I grew them quite a while ago and had good results; hopefully, having gotten a bit better with the hydroponics, this time will be even better. Chocolate habanero Another one I've grown before (not looking to do much new this time around, mostly bringing back the old favorites). I know annuum x chinense isn't the most reliable mix, but if I decide to revive the hybrid...