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  • Just ordered Slipknot, Lamb Of God and Bullet For My Valentine tickets for Red Rocks Amphetheater in Denver! Woot!
    We have two cats and our porch looks like a mouse holocaust! Guess I can't complain too much. We will never have a rodent problem with these two amazing little hunters.
    Few things make you realize you need to quit smoking and lose more weight more than mowing a hilly lawn in excessive heat with my push mower...
    I have quit smoking before for about 18 months. I quit cold turkey too. Got into a big tiff at work with someone, took a breather out back, was offered a smoke by a coworker and I was back on a the pack right there. It is my last remaining vice and I intend on giving it up once I get my life somewhat back on track. I have lost 25 pounds since my wife and I separated. Still a ways to go, but I can tell a big difference just from that 25. Once the downstairs is done being remodeled I am going t...
    ... to get a weight bench and dig out the exercise bike from storage. I got my workout today from mowing and swimming at the hot springs in Thermopolis. I'm exhausted, but it feels really good to be active.
    Keep it up.
    Woot! Saw another tornado today! This time from my own back yard!
    Just be careful, having sense has nothing to do with what nature is capable of doing. It's not always possible to keep a safe distance.
    ^Tim Samaras, Paul Samaras, Carl Young and Mike Bettis confirm that. Luckily Bettis and his team all survived. Samaras's team wasn't so fortunate and they were some of the safest and most experienced chasers out there. Anything can happen, but taking a few pics from a several miles away with a basement 50 feet away is pretty safe. The only immediate danger I might have been in was a lightning strike. I'd never do what some of those professional storm chasers do without the knowled...
    PrimeTime, I grew up in North Carolina and I remember weathering out several hurricanes as a kiddo.
    Dang it! I promised someone some here a couple plants once the weather warmed up but I lost their message and I don't remember who it was. Crap, crap, crap! If you are reading this, get a hold of me, please!
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    XD I love it! I'll just use some rope to tow a cooler full of beer behind it and I'll be good to go. The motor might need upgrading, though.
    maybe it was oldsalty, after his garden was vandalized?
    Yeah, the person had his garden vandalized! OldSalty sounds about right. I will message him. Thank you!
    Plants getting transplanted into the greenhouse today. Holy crap it is hot in there!
    These homemade BBQ beans need to hurry up! I'm hungry!!!
    Can't snack while u wait??
    I choked down some leftover Taco John's. Beans didn't come out. That was a lot of work for nothing.
    Ugh... If I have one more idiot try and battle me online about the mythical dangers of hot peppers I am going to shoot myself!
    Duuuude, get off the My Face shit thing or what ever it's called. Being exposed to that level of mental retardation only brings you down.
    ^Worse... YOUTUBE! Every hot pepper video has those trolls (with a Ph. D capsaicin studies) whining about the dangers because their former roommate's ex-girlfriend's cousin's aunt twice removed once met someone who overheard a guy in Wal-Mart say they were bad... It MUST be true!
    That said, I only really use social media, like Facebook, to get updates on weather and to comment on Joyner's amazing looking meals. I don't even really have friends on there.
    Wow! My 9 year old niece wanted to help cook tonight so I gave her my recipe for hamloaf and sauteed veggies in garlic aioli. I had her so all the work besides the knife work and she absolutely killed it! Actually, I think she outdid me on my own recipe!
    First tornado intercept today just a short drive from my home. It lasted 7 minutes and was over open country. Woot!
    This season is likely going to be a bust for me. My peppers sprouted the first of week of February and have been under 400w metal halide since then and they are simply not growing. Besides my purple jalapenos, all of my plants are between 1.5" and 4" tall. 80-odd plants. Really bummed out by it.
    Are you planning to grow them outside when summer finally arrives? That might kick-start them fairly well.
    Yeah, but the cold is hanging around here. I have a greenhouse, but with highs in the 40's recently and snow possible tonight, it will be a minute before I can put them outside.
    7 years old and already asking for a pay raise! Haha!
    The whole thug life/ghetto trash lifestyle that is glorified this this country will NOT be tolerated in our household. Our daughter will learn the value of a dollar and refer to every person she meets as "Sir" or "Maam".
    Also I agree, its all in the parents hands how these kids turn out. A chick I grew up with, moved to Montana and home schooled 3 kids as a single mom. Of all my friends she raised some of the best behaved most respectful kids I've seen. The only kids I ever took fishing that didn't show any signs of impatience, only a desire to learn to catch fish no matter how long it took.
    That is one thing I have to give the Amish credit for when I lived in Ohio. You never saw them acting out, complaining or causing any trouble. Very well behaved children.
    Wow... My purple jalapenos are only about 5" tall and already putting out buds. Wrong-O!
    Nope, not even close to being root bound. The pots are bigger than the plants!
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    I guess they're just horny little buggers. lol
    Same with my habs and Thai dragons... they're a bit taller than 5", but not much. I'm letting them do what they do.
    Yardbird baked in Italian dressing stuffed into pita with Sabra Supremely Spicy hummus, sauteed red bell peppers and a spring lettuce mix...
    Dammit, TNR, i just finished a late dinner... now, i gotta start cooking all over again. And i know it's not gonna be as good as what you just described.
    Incredibly simple dinner. I love Sabra hummus!
    ... and now I open Facebook and see a recall notice for Sabra... Mine isn't one of the recalled, but it is making me not want to eat it...
    My mother in law's shih-tzu mix bit my daughter just now... Anyone have any recipes for dog meat?
    Ouch! She has skin allergies. I bet moruga powder would hurt! Shihtzloaf... sounds like an amish dish...
    I don't advocate actual animal cruelty, but if a tornado were coming, she would be last on my list of things to save.
    Skin it, de-bone it, cube it, set it in the sun for three days. AWESOME CATFISH BAIT!!"
    I feel this strange urge to call in sick to places that I do not work...
    First time I have changed my avatar, actually. It was just temporary. Everyone was changing to Kool-Aid avatars, so I did.
    Ohhhh haha didn't even catch that. Guess I wasn't drinking the koolaid lol.
    Well played, sir!
    Next time I get call from a blocked number I am going to answer it, "It is done, but there is blood everywhere!"...
    Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. It is more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today can burn your ass tomorrow!
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