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  1. Ben1287

    wanted Want to trade for Devil's Tongue Yellow seeds.

    I have lots of seed varieties, mostly C. chinense (check my profile)    I'm looking to trade seeds, or fresh orange habanero pods, for 10-12 Devil's Tongue Yellow seeds. The ones I had bought this spring didn't germinate. The orange habs are all I have ripe right now unfortunately.
  2. Ben1287

    seeds Seedling Questions

    I'm a few weeks in to starting plants to grow out over winter to put outside to produce next year, but I have a couple questions.    I have read that peppers, like most plants, attempt to fill the container they are grown in with roots before they start to put a lot of energy into foliage...
  3. Ben1287

    Seed Stock Purity

    I'm curious if anyone here has kept records on how often you get crosses when growing different varieties in close proximity to one another. Do you get crosses more often than not, or less? I'm curious because I've harvested seeds from some plants that I allowed to open pollinate last year.
  4. Ben1287

    overwintering Winter Lighting Qs???

    I'm growing 20-some plants this summer in 1 gallon containers with the intention to winter for production next summer. I don't have enough window space to get them all enough light. What type of lighting should I go with? I'd almost prefer to go LED so any input on pros/cons would be awesome!  ...
  5. Ben1287

    My first big container garden

    I'm fairly new to this forum and it seems like doing a glog is a good way to get some input as well as share my techniques and experiences, limited as they may be.   I started some seeds late this year. Really late. 6 days ago late. I already have germination on 5 varieties. Yucatan White...
  6. Ben1287

    Off limit varieties???

    I plan on breeding some peppers this summer and I'm curious how many can't freely be used. I know that the Carolina Reaper and Red Savina are on that list. Are there others?
  7. Ben1287

    breeding I need information on breeding peppers!!!!

    I'm growing several varieties of C. chinense this year and aside from harvesting viable, true to type/variety seed from all the individual ones (which I know how to do) I grow I would like to make some crosses. Is there a generally accepted way to do this? Can someone explain in depth for me...
  8. Ben1287

    Heat Levels

    If I grow two or more of the same variety, are there any tried and true methods to grow hotter peppers from one plant to the next? Different growing media, additives/fertilizer, daylight hours, watering, outdoor/indoor/greenhouse, etc. I have seeds for several super hots, I'm mostly curious if...
  9. Ben1287

    New hobbyist in Iowa

    I'm pretty new to peppers. Started with tomatoes five years ago, Last year (earlier this year, whatever) I grew 4 different peppers. Quadrato Asti Giallo, Georgia Flame (misleading name unfortunately but very tasty), early Jalapenos, and a commercial orange Habanero which I am currently...