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  1. my_key

    my_key's chilli universe v1.0 (beta release)

    Hi Pepper people. This is my first real chilli growing season. I have had a Cayenne and Aji Umba plant for a while and both have inspired my to start my discovery in the wonderful world of Chillies. That and being sent a Naga Morich pod with my seed order from You never forget that...
  2. my_key

    Offer: Naga, Thai, Aji Umba Searching for: Fatalii, Neyde

    Dear Pepperpeople, I have some spare seeds: Naga Morich (I have not actually grown these myself, but I've ordered them from, so they should be more than decent quality. I've got about 15 seeds to spare. Germination test 4/4, i.e. I've sown 4, random selection, and 4 germinated...