shopping Buy another propagator or not?

Jiffy pucks and a cheap tray and dome with vents at the top works for me. If you don't have vents at the top of the dome just take it off a few times a day for awhile. Cant think of a cheaper way of starting seeds. Jiffy's are like 5 cents each and the thin tray and 7 inch dome are less then $5 for both. Don't think you need a heat mat unless you have a cold house or a live in a cold location. Best of luck.
I do it the expensive way.
Great for those hard to germinate varieties, and used after sprouting peppers for herbs and such.
I am leaning towards another one as it worked great. Many seeds germinated in a week while in the propagator with the heating pad under it in my garage.
The propagator arrived yesterday and I am curious about using it with just water below the soil cells instead of using the water wicking mat system that it comes with. I would have to test it out but it seems to me that with the Styrofoam cell tray just floating on the water reservoir would make the soil in the cells much too wet. Any thoughts on this guys?