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DefCon 1-2-3 Taste Test

shayneyasinski said:
Any word on a sample of zero???

I'll save you the trouble.

Go get an ice pick, and an 18oz framing hammer. Next, stick out your tounge and lay it on a brick. Now, have a friend (or someone you hate) jam the ice pick into your tounge and wiggle it around. Then, they can take a few blows directly to your tounge with the framing hammer.

That should give you a good idea until the Zero is ready.
Not to mention the last "samples" I mailed out were about 3 years ago, they turned into the "ZERO Prototypes". They are currently going for hundreds of $ right now.

Shayne, I don't do "samples" of the ZERO. If I did for anyone, I'd never hear the end of it from everyone else. Were you assuming you were getting one? We allow tasting of the stuff at the various trade shows and events we do, but that's about it. We haven't had a ZERO release in over a year. There should be 2 next year.
DEFCON Creator said:
We allow tasting of the stuff at the various trade shows and events we do, but that's about it. We haven't had a ZERO release in over a year. There should be 2 next year.

Like Toronto's 2008 Deathmatch???:fireball:
DEFCON Creator said:
Yes, like at Toronto's 2008 Deathmatch.

I'll start sanding my tongue now...

Hey John - if you are going to the same part of town, I'll make sure to pass on some tips re where to eat. You are a 10 minute drive from either great Indian, Mexican, seafood ( Rodney's Oyster House ), high end steak, or Greek restaurants.

You are also 5 minutes from the Brass Rail, but I doubt Mrs Defcon would approve of what's on the menu there...:shocked::stop:
Last time we were up there we ate at the Keg Mansion, and had a great steak! I was happy, this is a good thing.

We had the event at The Bishop & Belcher, I think it was on Church Street. We are actually thinking about doing a dual venue on consecutive days. One at The Bishop, and perhaps one at the Red Lion. Needless to say, Defcon will be roling back into Toronto. We had a great time last year, and intend to have a better one this time!