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in-ground Getting ready to pot up/put in the ground & have a few ?'s

I am going to start hardening off my peppers tomorrow. Is a week enough time to get them where I can put them outside for good? Some will be going in the ground & some will be going in pots. I've grown peppers (jalapeno, habanero, tobasco) in the past in both 5 gal buckets & the ground & had pretty good luck with it, even with forgetting to fertilize/water on a regular basis. This is my first year growing superhots & using promix. I'm HOPE to pay attention to them a lot more than in the past & I'm just trying to get a better sense of direction than before. I've read a lot of threads & got a ton of good info, but I'm still looking for some specific help. When I fill the buckets do I need to moisten the promix first? I've seen both yes & no. I'm rotating fish emulsion & epsom sprays every week right now. I've read about Tomato Tone, if used that would be my only fertilizer (besides the fish/epsom sprays) I need to use, correct?

Here are some pics:

Taken 3/21

Taken 3/27

3/27 closer
WOW what a cool little set up, good stuff. I am not a Professional grower so I will leave the advice to them.
Dude you are dialed. U Done a lotta THP homework.... :cool:

I've got my first bale of Pro Mix, so I am quite knowledgable. (Thats a big LOL) The directions on the bale are pretty clear, something to the effect of 'moisten prior to transplanting' but not to the point of compaction. (Don't squish it down around the plant base like some other mediums.) Final watering to settle the plant. The stuff is awesome, very easy to moisten and work with.

I'll pass on the ferts to the big guns.