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Giant Walla Walla Onions and a Canary Melon


I picked up some fun produce the other day:


Man, these things are the biggest and sweetest Walla Walla Sweet Onions I've ever seen..over 5" across.


I live only 3 hrs. away from Walla Walla, and can't recall seeing these monsters before. Oh, did I mention they were $1.29 /lb.? W00t! :-D

I also picked up a Juan Canary Melon.

*not my pic, but I haven't cut into it yet*


It's like a cantalope/honeydew sorta thing, but yellow and smooth-skinned. Absolutly fantastic arouma!

With all those and my evil habs, I'm gonna be making some fun stuff soon. ;-D

Last time I was in Walla Walla, yup, there was somethin' big that made me cry and it warn't onions: Miss C&W Australia 1987!;)

Ya, besides being famous for it's nice onions it has the Washington State Penitentiary.

Oh, and I did crack it open..looks just liek the picture. Very pale green flesh that tastes just like a milder cross between a honeydew and a cantalope. Yummers!

I wonder what the pH is for making a sauce ingredient outa it. Hmm.