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fermenting Help with first Ferment

Started my first fermented sauce last week but I might have made some newb errors - so I'm hoping for some advice on where to go from here.

I've got 2x 0.5 Litre Jars. One is just Scotch Bonnets, the other is flavoured with some Garlic, pickled Ginger and some Cranberries from the yard. Both have 2% sea salt.

The recipes I was following suggested giving the mix a stir each day. The flavoured mix started to ferment within a few days but the straight mix needed some inoculation with the liquid of the flavoured mix before it started doing anything and even then - I haven't seen much evidence of fermentation in that one.

I am getting a layer of Yeast over the top of both jars now. I've been scraping that off each day - which has meant opening the jars.

I realise now that maybe I should have sealed the jars up from the start (they've got SteriLocks on them now but that only happened a couple of days back). I've also moved them into a cupboard in a cooler part of the house.

So - my question is - where do I go from here:

1) Keep on opening them up each day and scraping the Yeast off until the ferment is done (maybe 3 weeks-ish)
2) Open and scrape less often - maybe every few days? Once a week?
3) Just leave them sealed until the ferment is done - unless I see problems
4) Bail out now, use the current mix for a standard onion, carrot, tomato, cooked sauce and start a new ferment...
5) Something else.

Both mixes look, smell and taste fine - apart from the lack of fizz/bubbles in the straight mix.

Some pics for reference:




Apologies for the long post - appreciate any advice I can get.


/ J
Looks like just some kham yeast build up, which is common. Leave them sealed until ferment is complete. Scrape off what you can but don't be concerned if you don't get every spec out of the mix, it is harmless to you. Give it a sniff test at the end of the ferment...if it smells ok, go in for a taste test, if good on both then most likely your first ferment was a success . If you notice an unpleasant, spoiled or rotten-food aroma, then probably contaminated and needs pitched...the noses knows best ;) . Looks good from what im seeing though..best of luck, keep us posted
P.S....here is a link to a free ebook on fermenting, some good stuff in there
Looks like you got yer answer. Have you read fermenting 101 yet. Lots of great info and tips for a perfect ferment every time. As beerbreath pointed out looks like kham yeast. No worries just scrape it before processing and give it a good smell if it smells sweet and pickle like well then" Bob's Your Uncle" enjoy!!  :P
oldsalty said:
Have you read fermenting 101 yet. Lots of great info and tips for a perfect ferment every time.
I have now! Slowly going through that whole thread - loads of good info there - thanks
oldsalty said:
As beerbreath pointed out looks like kham yeast. No worries just scrape it before processing and give it a good smell if it smells sweet and pickle like well then" Bob's Your Uncle" enjoy!!  :P
Yeah - she's definitely not doing anything odd/bad - can't wait!
Cooked up my first Scotch Bonnet & Pickled Ginger mix after a 5 week fermentation.
Going to let the plain Scotch Bonnet mix run for 60 days.




Really happy with the results - especially seeing it was my first ferment.

Had to use more vinegar than I'd hoped - or expected - but it seemed to cook off well and the jar I opened straight away already seems to be improving each day - tasting and smelling sweeter and getting hotter!

Thanks for the advice and input from everyone here - already looking forward to doing the next mix!