cloning how to tell if i bought clones

two weeks ago i bought 2 scotch bonnet peppers and 2 ghost peppers from a nursery, they buy all their plants from specialty greenhouses so they had no info on these plants, but they are 4 to 5 inches tall maybe even shorter and have roughly 40 to 50 leafs on them each, every plant i start from seed has been 6 inches tall with maybe 6 leafs including the seed leafs, im just wondering if they are clones or not and if not why are they so small with so many leafs on them? its mind boggling, the seeds i started are in a seed tray inside a small greenhouse, once they pop i gradually open the seed tray to acclimatize them then they are under the grow lights, i keep the grow lights 2 inches above them roughly but constantly moving them up to keep the plants off of them so they dont burn, if the ones i bought were in a greenhouse then the lights would have actually been the sun correct? and they would have stretched upwards to get more sun? or am i wrong?
I am interested.   I recently cloned an old ornamental.  it's at least 5 years but I think I got this plant in 2004(just not positive).  It sat by a window and was only watered for that time.  It flowers every christmas and still produces pods.  I decided that this is the perfect indoor ornamental.  It's vegetative again so I cloned it and plan on saving the seeds from the pods I get from the mother plant this summer.    
Why would the genetics of the clone be any different?  Could it have cross polinated giving you a mixed breed?  what are you using to start the seeds.  If it's rock wool you have to soak it for a day and then balance the PH.    If it's peat you are risking mold/fungus and low PH.    I can understand the second generation having slightly different genetics but not 6" plants.    This is where I tap out and let those more in the know and sit and wait for an answer.  Cause I will not waste 2 months growing an ornamental that tastes bitter than a nicer tasting variety.   It's in a GH water farm hex.   It's about to grow roots.  It just sits in leca.  For some reason I never was successful cloning in rock wool.  The drip system seems to keep the plant humid and moist.   I want to take seeds from the mother and keep the clone alive.  The mother had a great life and I think it's time to put her down after the season.     Maybe slightly impractical because I leave the air pump on 24/7 till I have roots.   I am also thinking with the drip the plant might just take nutrients and barely root.   Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.
Basically I'm interested in the feedback you (op) get about genetics and I'm just giving you my personal experience.   
The only thing I can think of is by looking at the stem. Newly-developed stems are still thin, very green and more flexible; they have a certain delicacy to them. Since a clone is cut from a branch, it would still have flexibility, but likely won't look quite as thin and delicate. But as noted above, a lot of leaves up and down the stem doesn't necessarily mean it is a clone if it was topped.
chile_freak said:
Actually the seedlings started in the sun would most likely be shorter and fuller. Especially if they topped them, just saying!
ok that i did not know, i thought they would stretch up to get the best light possible, but these plants arent topped that i can tell, they still only have a single stem, and new growth coming out of the top, if it was topped it would have two branches coming out of the sides and have that iconic Y shape correct?   
FiveSix said:
I am interested.   I recently cloned an old ornamental.  it's at least 5 years but I think I got this plant in 2004(just not positive).  It sat by a window and was only watered for that time.  It flowers every christmas and still produces pods.  I decided that this is the perfect indoor ornamental.  It's vegetative again so I cloned it and plan on saving the seeds from the pods I get from the mother plant this summer.    
Why would the genetics of the clone be any different?  Could it have cross polinated giving you a mixed breed?  what are you using to start the seeds.  If it's rock wool you have to soak it for a day and then balance the PH.    If it's peat you are risking mold/fungus and low PH.    I can understand the second generation having slightly different genetics but not 6" plants.    This is where I tap out and let those more in the know and sit and wait for an answer.  Cause I will not waste 2 months growing an ornamental that tastes bitter than a nicer tasting variety.   It's in a GH water farm hex.   It's about to grow roots.  It just sits in leca.  For some reason I never was successful cloning in rock wool.  The drip system seems to keep the plant humid and moist.   I want to take seeds from the mother and keep the clone alive.  The mother had a great life and I think it's time to put her down after the season.     Maybe slightly impractical because I leave the air pump on 24/7 till I have roots.   I am also thinking with the drip the plant might just take nutrients and barely root.   Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.
Basically I'm interested in the feedback you (op) get about genetics and I'm just giving you my personal experience.   
the seedlings i started are in peat, but i have never had issues with it, no mold, no fungus, no nasties at all. i boil water and set the peat pellets into that and let them sit for 10 minutes covered, i then take them out, put them into a sterile environment and leave them to cool, 24 hrs after they have been boiled i then plant my seeds in them, i try to keep everything sterile and that has had great results 
the genes of a clone shouldnt be different at all, if you clone a plant, then essentially it is the exact same plant just a different pot, planting a seed from that plant however can have different genes, pods could be a little smaller, or taste a little different, plant can and most likely will grow a little different ect...... but a cutting from the mother plant will have exact same pods, same leafs, same taste, same everything.
geeme said:
The only thing I can think of is by looking at the stem. Newly-developed stems are still thin, very green and more flexible; they have a certain delicacy to them. Since a clone is cut from a branch, it would still have flexibility, but likely won't look quite as thin and delicate. But as noted above, a lot of leaves up and down the stem doesn't necessarily mean it is a clone if it was topped.
at the base of these they are starting to get that "woody" look so i guess they arent clones, im just amazed at how short the plants are, they are full and lush but midgets.
Clones are exact copies, the advantage of clones is when you take clone from an already developed plant u r skipping over the whole seedling stage, just starting a smaller already developed plant. But consider this when a plant is in the sun it need not stretch for the light because it is surrounded by the ambient light of the sun which shines on it all around as well as reflects from the soil, grow lights are a much less potent replacement for sunlight in which plants grow and stretch to get as close to the light source as possible. Topped plants take awhile to fork, just like untopped plants do the advantage to topping is that it promotes growth along the main stem to replace the leaves it lost on top, allowing for bushier plants, the fact that the stem is getting woody, indicates its maturity level,often times I start getting woody stems while still in 4" pots that have been under lights for months, regardless of its height if the plant has a strong stem and many leaves along it your plant sounds healthy be grateful!
thanks chile, i am happy and greatful they are healthy, i was just wondering why they were so short. i am assuming they were started in febuary maybe late january, they have gotten a little taller but not much since i bought them, could very well be that they just needed bigger pots, i have them all in 5 gallon buckets, they have been there since i got them, so roughly two weeks, maybe a little longer, must be working on the root system i guess,   but i just couldnt get over the size of them, or lack there of anyway. but considering i paid 25 cents per plant and they were all ready started and growing i can not complain at all. just thought maybe they were clones. 
they are just better at growin them than hobbyists.. They have a really good soil mix. Their lights provide more usable light. Their nutes are close to perfect blend and administered at the best times. 
They have hads lots of time to perfect their method.
Also small containers 3in/solo cup i found limit the plant size and they bush out once they get more rootbound.
do you have pics of the "40 - 50 leaves" ?
this plant is only 6" tall but bushed out and grew side branches.

this one is a foot tall with like a million leaves, no idea why.

Here are spicy chickens after being topped...

no i dont have pics yet, but i will get my hands on a camera a.s.a.p and post them in here.   i also agree with you OKgrowin, they are a hell of a lot better at growing, i can only hope to be as good as they are at some point lol i am trying though
(edit i just took some pics they arent even 4 inches tall, my lighter is 4 inches and sitting beside the plant in the dirt and its higher then the plant,  hope this works, it will not let me put a picture on here from imgur, keeps saying that code in not allowed on this forum anyway just took these with my tablet so they might be a little blurry, and this is the only one not in a 5 gallon bucket yet)
A MH bulb or CMH might do that? I think there is a certain growth hormone that will stunt internodes.
Just spit ballin' here :P
miguelovic said:
A MH bulb or CMH might do that? I think there is a certain growth hormone that will stunt internodes.
Just spit ballin' here :P
spitball away, these plants havent had artificial light since i bought them, as for what went on in the greenhouse where they were grown i have no idea, but they were outside when i bought them and ive kept them outside since, i brought that one in the pics inside so i could take pictures of it cause the sun was just to bright to see what i was taking a picture of lol.  as for the ones i grew from seed they are all almost a foot tall and look straggly but they are starting to bush out.