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misc Ladybugs for pest control


Business Member
Recently, I've seen a marked increase in insects that bear a resemblance to aphids have made a home of my pepper plants, and I think it's more than a coincidence that the same plants are beginning to drop their leaves, etc. It's also come at an inopportune time, seeing as quite a few of my plats are already developing flower buds.

I've seen several sites that sell ladybugs, and was wondering if any of you had any experiences with companies that sell live ladybugs and are reputable companies. Please let me know so I can get rid of these pests before it's too late.
Try a site search. I know there have been companies recommended.
In Ontario, Canada, I use NIC(Natural insect control) out of Toronto. I'm actually due to make an order, thanks for the reminder :)
Ive had it with aphids already. I have a Trini Scorp on Hydro DWC and these things have infested it. Ive put lady bugs on it but they fly away after a while. What Ive noticed is that if you use the ladybug larvae, they stay around longer. I unplug my bucket, take it out side and spray off the aphids. You have to make sure to spay with water all the undersides of leaves, stems and the growth spots, because in no time they will be back. After a good spray off, I spray with neem and then put on some lady bug larvae, after the neem dries, for further precaution. My poor Trini Scorp has taken a beating from those damn aphids, and I may have to do this once every two weeks until the aphid problem ceases.
I just might do that, Prehensile. Thanks for the advice. It may even help with some lingering fungus gnats I've seen that the mosquito dunks I used 6 weeks ago didn't take care of. Plus it's cheaper than the ladybugs :)
March Biological is a great site for ladybugs. I had terrible aphid problems last year and this year. Neem never came close to controlling them. After releasing the hungry ladybugs, they did the job right. I use them and mosquito dunks and my swarms of fungus gnats are also gone. From now on, I will use both as a preventative measure earlier in the season.
The answer, if it has been addressed yet, is YES, ladybugs are Sam Jackson's named wallet in Pulp Fiction. They get it DONE. Neem also works well, but LBs are hard core about consumption. As others have mentioned, especially the larvae.
I released a clutch of Lady Bug Larvae on some plants they did some good, though I still had to use spray a week later after the Nymphs moved on.
I actually released lady bugs in my basement in 2010 to deal with an aphid problem on my peps. It worked great. All the sprays I tried had done nothing. A few bugs found their way around the house, but for the most part they went outside with the trays. This year I have released in the greenhouse.
I had some Praying Manti in my garden last year.  They raised complete hell on all aphids and other similar bad bugs.  They have a much, much bigger appetite than ladybugs.   They are back this year on the prowl already.
I had some Praying Manti in my garden last year. They raised complete hell on all aphids and other similar bad bugs. They have a much, much bigger appetite than ladybugs. They are back this year on the prowl already.

I LOVE these things. We had them all over the place at my old work site, but none at home. Guess I need to 'import' some and let 'em have at it.
I personally wouldnt buy ladybugs. As soon as the aphids are gone, the ladybugs may move on in search of more to eat. Neem oil works great, or if your not worried about growing organic, I alternate sevin and malithon.
I personally find neem has very little effect on aphids, and I'd stay away from Sevin and Malithion. Its not just organics, here they have been banned for some time now.
I spent 5 minutes yesterday watching a five inch long mantid destroying everything that moved on my grape vine Saturday.  They truly are the answer.