container Looking for input on number of peppers per container.

My question is to the number of pepper plants per container. I have searched and read til my eyes bleed and I have found tons of conflicting information and would apreciate any and all advice from the people on this forum. From my reading on here, including the Glogs, theres a ton of experience here and I would greatly value your input.

To cover the basics.
I am limited on space and plan on using 7 gallon fabric grow bags. I have grown very sucessfully in 5 gallons of the same type. These bags are 13.5 in Diameter 12.5 in Height. The varieties I will be transplanting from the seed's I've started are:

Orange Habanero
Sugar Rush Peach
Big Thai Hybrid
Lemon Drop
Orage Spice Jalapeno
Craig's Grande Jalapeno
Zapotec Jalapeno

Working out my available space, putting the bags in 16" Saucers to help catch/hold water and leaving at least 15" between each saucer I have room for 11.
I initially went with the idea that I would plant two peppers per pot from the reasearch I did, thats why I moved to 7gal from 5, but the more I read I am now questioning that decision. Would the fact that I plan on topping the peppers have any effect? I unfortunately don't have the ability to overwinter so that is not a consideration.

So what do you guys think?
Based on the size of the bags I would say - no more (but also no less) than one plant per bag. Even with only one plant you will find that the roots will take up the entire bag. The canopy of one plant will easily fill up all the surface above the bag. Putting 2 plants will make them have to fight for room.

I'm having the same problem as you - too little space to grow all the plants that I would like. I once put 3 scotch bonnet type plants in a similarly sized container. This didn't work out at all!

If you're growing varieties that stay small, multiple plants in a container may still be an option. But with varieties like lemon drop or sugar rush, don't even consider it! 😁
I grew two peppers per pot last year in 2, 3, and 5 gallon pots. My intent was to increase genetic diversity for seed saving. It caused no major issues, and I felt like the overall productivity was equal to growing one pepper per pot.

However, two caveats which have led me to go with one per pot, this year: first, they need to be the same variety. If or when you get a mismatch (different varieties in one pot, as from an unexpected cross), one or the other will dominate the pot, and hybrid vigor means it will likely be the cross. Second, while the overall yield wasn’t affected, the individual peppers were not as large as they would have been on a single, larger plant.

But other than that, it worked great. I intend to use the technique in the future for breeding projects, or wherever else I need to maximize the individuals grown. On an average year, I prefer bigger pods.
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I also pretty consistently keep peppers 1 to a container, but I've planted multiple per container before, too. My take is that sometimes they'll do fine with 2 or even 3 plants in a larger container, but sometimes one plant will dominate the other so I generally avoid the risk. Also, even if one doesn't dominate the other the production typically reduces accordingly unless we're talking really big containers.

If I had more differing varieties than containers and wanted to grow all the varieties, I'd double some up. Or perhaps if I wanted to see a few examples of a new variety grow out and select the best plant for future seeds. But if it's just a matter of getting pod production from the plants and the choice was putting 2 of the same variety in a container versus putting in just 1, I'd most likely plant just one.

If planting 2 per container, transplanting them toward opposite sides of the container makes sense (no surprise there). It's also possible to put a piece of wood or something similar across the middle of the pot to delay intermingling of the roots and give the slower plant more time to establish before it might be overwhelmed by a faster growing partner. Essentially, making 1 pot work more like 2.

EDIT: TB slipped in a post above me addressing many of the same points, including multiple plants of the same variety sharing a container for seed selection purposes. I'll add, that one advantage to multiple plants in a larger container versus 1 per container in smaller containers is watering related. Even with multiple plants, a bigger container might better sustain good air/moisture levels for longer durations during hot weather.
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...and yet again you get all kinds of answers just to confuse you! 😅

lol. True, but there does seem to be a general consensus. Thank you everyone. My hope was that two per pot would increase my yeild for the limited space I had. I was making the assumption I wouldn't get two times the yeild, that each plant would be a bit smaller for sharing the space, but was hoping that if each were reduced by only say 25%, I'd still come out ahead with 150% more than a single plant. I'm getting the feeling it's more complicated than that and between the competition if one dominated, the harvest from the smaller plant would not make up for what the big one lost, particularly if what was said about the fruit being smaller in size as well. Which only seems to make sense if they are both fighting for the same area of nutes, water and light. So one plant, one pot it is. I just know gardening space is a very high priority for the next house. As long as I can find that without massively increasing the amount that I have to mow as well. :)

Again, thanks to everyone that responded. I do apreciate it.