Made a bunch of mashes!

I'll be leaving for a deployment for a few weeks and made a few washes so that when I return they'll be ready to distill. I made 1 Turbo sugar wash, 1 corn sourmash(will be sour after the first distillation, it's a process), 1 rum, and 2 wheat germ washes. That'll keep me busy! I even have all of the groceries for the second batches of rum and sourmash ready to go!

I also have barley and real peat. When I get back I'm going to peat smoke the barley and make my own "Scotch":cool:
Beerswimmer said:
I'll be leaving for a deployment for a few weeks and made a few washes so that when I return they'll be ready to distill. I made 1 Turbo sugar wash, 1 corn sourmash(will be sour after the first distillation, it's a process), 1 rum, and 2 wheat germ washes. That'll keep me busy! I even have all of the groceries for the second batches of rum and sourmash ready to go!

I also have barley and real peat. When I get back I'm going to peat smoke the barley and make my own "Scotch":cool:

Where's your deploy? Wow...5 mashes? Watch out fer' them thar revenoors.

Salute', TB.
Beerswimmer said:

I'd catch KDLG out of Dillingham for marine wx when I was up there. "Seas 40 feet subsiding to 38..." Geez Louise... why bother with that report. Take care of yourself.

Semper Paratus.
Just ran a few. I first ran a turbo yeast just to clean the still and get a feel of how it works, kinda like a practice run just for learning. It wasn't too bad, 170 proof with a flowery kinda soapy taste. That's why nobody uses the turbo's! So I learned what to do and how my rig works, FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!

Next I ran a rum wash. Turned out pretty good! Kinda like Appletons over-proof. Mind you, these are the first batches. After a run you take part of the leftovers in the boiler and add it to the fermentor for the next batch. It creates stronger/better/more flavors. It was from 145-102 proof when I decided to stop. I collected 7 pints. I might save 1 or 2 and add some pineapple an vanilla and age on oak, the rest will be distilled with the next batch.
Then it was time for the bourbon. Corn likker, if you will. It was a first too, so it tastes a little sweet and kinda like dried corn. I got a full 1.75L and a full .750L from that batch. Same as the rum, some of the leftovers go back into the fermenter to kick the next batch into gear. That one will be a true sour mash. Also the distillate that I collected went into a carboy. Once I get a few generations into it or 5 gallons, I'll be watering it down to 80 proof and re distilling it as a spirit run to drink. I'm excited!!
Today is 2 sugar washes run with the still in full reflux mode. It'll be around 180+ proof and mostly tasteless. I should get about 3 gallons. I plan on adding water to lower it to 80 proof and re-distilling and making liberal cuts to try to see how pure of a neutral spirit I can make. My wife likes vodka, so I'm going to try to impress her!
man reading your posts really make me realize just how much I've been slackin!!! LOL......I have only done 1 batch of an easy sugar wash that came out tasting like a super strong vodka with a sweet flavor at 178 proof.......was actually kindof smooth and sweet...........(pot still with thumper)
Nice! My vodka only came out at 164 proof yesterday for some reason. But I got 2 gallons before the tails started to come out. So i might re-distill it today to see how pure I can get it!
I have a 2x30 inch column that can be run as a reflux with a watercooling jacket at the top, or just as a pot with an unpacked column and no cooling water except of course for the leibig. Here's a pic: