nutrients Rain and Nutrients

I have been searching for past topics regarding this, but was unable to come up with anything. Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I was just wondering if anyone fertiizes/nutes during  or around rainstorms?
We have been having quite a bit of moisture and rain here in the midwest lately and I am not having to water my plants very often (which is a good thing), however, I haven't been feeding them as much as I would like. I have been rotating a CalMag/Fish Emulsion mix one week and vermicompost tea mix the next, but due to the rain my schedules have been getting mixed up.

I thought I've read it somewhere before, but are there pros/cons to adding nutes during periods of rain? Will they mostly get washed away or will there still be added benefit? Im sure there are a lot of determining factors like how much rain and how often, but it just seems like we are getting rain at least once a week and sometimes 2-3 days out of the week. Dont want to overwater, but also want to make sure I can get them that extra boost.
Any advice/input/knowledge is greatly appreciated!
in oklahoma i've been getting the same rain. 
I've still been giving nutrients twice a week, i can't overwater my pots because of how fast draining they are though. If i had conventional soil or not very fast draining mix i would have only watered once or twice in the past month though lol.
OKGrowin said:
in oklahoma i've been getting the same rain. 
I've still been giving nutrients twice a week, i can't overwater my pots because of how fast draining they are though. If i had conventional soil or not very fast draining mix i would have only watered once or twice in the past month though lol.
I have about 20 or so plants in containers with fairly good draining soil and a few in the ground, just didn't know if I would be wasting my time out there in the rain. Been sneaking in a few waterings here and there, but will probably just be patient. I'm sure the heat wave will be here soon...

miguelovic said:
Top dress with a bit of compost, castings or what have you on hand?
Good idea. Have been sprinkling the "used" castings after brewing tea, but may top dress with some fresh stuff if the rain continues.

Thanks for the input I appreciate it