cloning To clone, or not to clone, That is a question

CAPCOM said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I would never intentionally break a nicely growing plant like that just for an excuse to spend some $$$. So now, with a little time, I will have 2 bbg7 plants.
Hmmm, what to put into the other 15 cells.
i know of 1 !        ;)
Floating raft with air stone  :)

I am not a expert by any means, but I have had some success (and failures) with my homemade aero-cloner.  (a 5 gallon bucket with only 9 sites)
1) learned lesson # 1, the first time you use it, you will have pretty good luck, but unless you really sterilize it, any follow-on uses will have much lower success.  At least that was my experience.   Scrubbing and then running a strong bleach solution for 2 days before my next use has seemed to cause a increase in my success ratio.
2) temps play a important part, and make it pretty difficult in the summer unless you have a cycle timer to help reduce the amount of time that your water pump is on.  Those things generate plenty of heat and will get your water/solution too warm after an few days if they run non-stop.
My success with cloning seems to be a hit or miss, but keeping everything super clean seems to help a lot!
for what it is worth!
My setup is pretty simple since my grow room is empty. I have the EZCloner running with a cfl lamp an inch above the clone volunteer. room is running at about 71o. I am sure it could be improved upon but for now it is adequate.
Well, my brown lava now has a twin that has roots.
Since that addition, I have thrown a few random cuttings in just for G&Gs. I also recently added  the top of a lg peach bhut jolokia that was invaded by a stalk borer worm. It was very wilted when I put it in the cloner , but has come back remarkably well, buds and all.

Your not going to believe this clone only 6 days later. I transplanted again on the 28th. I'll throw a pic on here later tonight.
A little over 3" tall and showing all kinds of promise. The plant looks phenomenal in health. Is beginning to produce an abundance of buds and is going to be grown isolated with my two brown morugas.
