Bonda Ma Jacque's

Hi everyone, here are some Bonda Ma Jacques seedlings I have courtesy of seeds from Boutros. Thanks!

I was just trying to get some information on this type from someone who has grown it before.
I noticed it looks very similar to the fatali. If anyone could provide any information on it, such as, plant size, pod size, flavor, heat etc that would be great.

I also got seed from boutros for Bonda Ma Jaques and have several plants going, thx Scott. By far my favorite yellow is a Fatalii and to have a chile so close just less heat is going to be nice. Had great germination rates but the plants are just taking their time to grow inside. I figure when I have pepper tasting with friends I'll eat the Bonda Ma Jaques and let my competition eat the Fatalii.:mouthonfire:
Ciao Derek-

What did you end up doing with all those Bonda ma Jacques pods you stuffed into your freezer? I'm too wimpy to go for anything that's got a lot of Fatalii in it, but this one seems like it would do well in salsa or picante sauce, not as the main event, but maybe with some Hot Paper Lantern.
Thanks for your responses guys!

By the way Cappy, if you notice all the white containers to the right of the black ones are all your 7 pod mix you sent me.
Thanks Again! Really looking forward to seeing how many different kinds I have. I got 12 to germinate out of 18 planted which im very happy about.
I noticed that Fade that you had a 7 Pod in the pic, 12 out of 18 is great, you have more 7 Pod than I growing this year. 75% of the seed in that mix is brain strain, the other SR and Jonah strains. You will have some serious heat coming for sure, I can not say how much I enjoy seeing others here growing seed that came from me. I am so glad to see many here have success with the Brain Strain 7 Pod, I was just a link in the chain.
I grew the Bonda Ma Jacque this season and I absolutly loved it. The pod is a bit smaller than fatalii in size and is smooth and doesn't grow to a point like the fatalii.

It has much less heat that the fatalii which I find to be a good thing at times. My personal opinion is that it has a slight citrus hint to it. I really love this chilli and I look forward to making a nice mild sauce with it.
Sorellina said:
Ciao Derek-

What did you end up doing with all those Bonda ma Jacques pods you stuffed into your freezer? I'm too wimpy to go for anything that's got a lot of Fatalii in it, but this one seems like it would do well in salsa or picante sauce, not as the main event, but maybe with some Hot Paper Lantern.

I try to use 1 pepper a day from the freezer stash and I'm currently into a bag of Bondas. They are quite hot but not nearly fatalii hot and probably sweeter with great yellow chinense citrus taste. I like them in sauces, salsa, pickles, and in pasta and rice dishes.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I also got seed from boutros for Bonda Ma Jaques and have several plants going, thx Scott. By far my favorite yellow is a Fatalii and to have a chile so close just less heat is going to be nice. Had great germination rates but the plants are just taking their time to grow inside. I figure when I have pepper tasting with friends I'll eat the Bonda Ma Jaques and let my competition eat the Fatalii.:mouthonfire:

That's cruel and yet I like it :lol: I might try something like that on my brother as he is always boasting about how he is the king of eating hot peppers :rolleyes:
They don't really look too much like fataliis, as moyboy suggested they are stubbier and smaller and I think a bit different shade of yellow
Cool PRF and FTB, glad they're growing for you! My original plant overwintered outside in a topsy turvey, starting to come back now. Have a new one going from the same saved seed as well. I have pics I can post later tonight- mine don't look as yellow. A little more orange-y. Same shape as Potawie's pic though. Had some Madame Janette's from the same source growing too that seemed very,very similar to the Bonda's.
Here's a mid-seasonish pic from last year. This is the plant I saved seeds from. Source was Rainbowchileseeds.


This was a pic taken at the same time, diff section of the plant. Every pod that came off that plant was uniform except for this one you see here in the pic. Of course, one of my slacker friends ate it before I got the seeds. Bummed.

boutros said:
Here's a mid-seasonish pic from last year. This is the plant I saved seeds from. Source was Rainbowchileseeds.


This was a pic taken at the same time, diff section of the plant. Every pod that came off that plant was uniform except for this one you see here in the pic. Of course, one of my slacker friends ate it before I got the seeds. Bummed.


Boutros, that is awesome and so bizarre. That pod looks so out of place. ive had odd shaped pods too show up on plants but nothing like that. Cool pic
thanks for sharing.
Right on Madhatter. Drop a pm if you want some seeds. Might be late for this year up there, but maybe for next?

Thanks too POTAWIE- makes me feel a little better on not snaggin those seeds outta the oddball.