What Chiles have you Planted this Year?

I am busy getting my pepper garden planted this weekend. I've planted the following peppers so far:

Yellow Bell
Purple Beauty Bell
Hot Red Caribean
Thai Dragon

What peppers are growing in your gardens?
We have the following this year

yellow fatalii
yellow squash habanero
golden habanero
bahamian goat pepper
bradley bahamian
orange habanero
mountain thai

plan on starting yet
billy goat
red safi
bode chile
true scotch bonnet
sweet savina
Red Caribean pepper
Bermuda Pepper
Bolivian Rainbow Pepper
Pueblo Pepper
Turkish Cayenne pepper
Barney Pepper
Thai Sun Pepper
Golden Habanero Pepper
Charlston Hot Pepper
Bell Peppers (mix of colors)
Sweet Banana Pepper PI 592816
Fresno Pepper
Hungarian Wax pepper PI 592812 (one of my favs)
Alma Paprika
Tobago seasoning
Round one;
purruri sp?
super datil (fatalii?)
true scotch bonnet
demonic leo ( a growout project)
lemon drop
yellow mushroom
peruvian white hab
billy goat
bishops cap
scorpions tongue
red fatalii
brazilian starfish
goat weed
yellow cayenne
and the bread and butter; jalapeno, hungarian hot wax, super chile hybrid, cayenne, sweet banana
Hey Dan,
The demonic leo is actually a usda PI# that didn't grow true to the discription(go figure) grown by Norm I think you met him he's doing the pic ID project.
He grew it and it came out looking like a chocolate fatalii
He distributed seeds to a few people to grow out and see what happens. He grew it last year so this is the first year of trying those seeds.
I sent you a seed package yesterday( you should see it mon. or tues.) If you would like I could send you some demonic leo's and all that is asked is when you grow them out send a picture of it to Norm.
I will contact Norm and get the PI#.
My guess is that it's a cross and people will get different plants or take on traits of either parent.
PS that name was put on it by the person that grew it and is not reconized by usda, that is going to be one of the biggest problems with your project, especially the PI#'s with no common name
Na i cant grow them this year - just let me know how they do maybe ill get some of your seed at the end of the year.

Yes get me the PI and ill put the common name to it, So what if the person named it and the USDA doesnt accept it. If they were doing a proper job of classification i wouldnt need to do this projest lol lol

Plus as long as us pepperheads use the name the USDA wont have much choice there are more of us then them lol lol

For those4 of you that dont know, I am trying to properly corrolate the common names we all use with the USDA PI# to try and clear up some of the confusion or using multiple common names for the same Variety. This is an open project and i will take all ideas suggestions and help gathering info anyone cares to share. If we all get together in the pepper community we can do something the taxanomists and USDA cant seem to do http://www.peppercenter.com/peppers/ for a more indepth explanation of what im doing
Hey Dan,
Your on for seeds from this years plant, a three year grow out is really interesting and will determine a better clasification to this particular PI. I also hope to gain seeds from the other people doing the grow out for next year.
I'l have to hook you up with A.B. aka chancelorofchinense,
he has been doing usda growouts for 4 to 5 years now and is one of the most knowedgable person I know.

canecoruso said:
Hey fatalliman;i have a friend that taught me how to clean them up to either side of the parent remember :twisted:demonic leo can in five generations not four be true to what is ideal to our own likings then all will come uniform,i had a ? for you,i live in southern california and would like to know what's the right time to start my peppers to have a high yield? thank you fatalliman for everthing
spicy for life;
I was moving cities in March so I couldn't start alot of seeds

So I purchased these at 4 weeks old from a nice garden farm.

Naga Jolokia
Scotch Bonnet
Ring of fire
Habanero (Orange Devil)

And 2 unknown types supplied by my Grandmother. Pictres are on my Blog. I think One is hot banana, other is unknown and untasted right now.

Hopefully next year I'll have triple that planted.
This year, I have:

Red Habanero
Chocolate Habanero
Scotch Bonnet
A red chili....was supposed to be a type of cayenne, but turned out to be a thai variety (small red peppers that grow on top of the plant, pointing upward...can't wait to try a few....probably this weekend)

I tried to grow some tepins from seed, but they didn't come up.

I am new to exotics, and welcome any/all advice. In the past, I've stuck with jalapenos ( I smoke them...yum!) and habaneros.
I currently have these planted. Only a few have I harvested some fruit for seeding so far but many flowers so looks like a busy summer. here is the list of what i have growing.

aji yellow
bishops crown
black cluster
Bolivian rainbow
Brazilian rainbow
Bulgarian carrot
Charlestown hot
chili de arbol
chilly chili
cows horn
Ecuador hot
fatali red
fatali yellow
fire cracker
fluorescent purple
goats weed
hot banana
hot cherry
Hungarian black wax
Hungarian wax
kee nu Thai
la cayenne
lemon drop
little elf
mucho nacho
numex bailey piquin
peter pepper
pizza pepper
pretty in purple
purple Ecuadorian
red devils tongue
red habanero
red savina habanero
Thai dragon
Thai ornamental
Thai red
Thai sun
treasure red
yellow devils tongue
yellow jelly bean

I would be glad to share seeds when i get more harvested. trying to build my seed stock up again. last year i sent out over 5000 seeds this year i would like to double that. Nothing better then trading seeds in my opinion! hehe

Kato - Thanks for the offer - i may take you up on that next year, right now I'm out of space as it is - we don't have a garden so all of mine are being grown indoors.
Bugboy said:
I currently have these planted. Only a few have I harvested some fruit for seeding so far but many flowers so looks like a busy summer. here is the list of what i have growing.

aji yellow
bishops crown
black cluster
Bolivian rainbow
Brazilian rainbow
Bulgarian carrot
Charlestown hot
chili de arbol
chilly chili
cows horn
Ecuador hot
fatali red
fatali yellow
fire cracker
fluorescent purple
goats weed
hot banana
hot cherry
Hungarian black wax
Hungarian wax
kee nu Thai
la cayenne
lemon drop
little elf
mucho nacho
numex bailey piquin
peter pepper
pizza pepper
pretty in purple
purple Ecuadorian
red devils tongue
red habanero
red savina habanero
Thai dragon
Thai ornamental
Thai red
Thai sun
treasure red
yellow devils tongue
yellow jelly bean

I would be glad to share seeds when i get more harvested. trying to build my seed stock up again. last year i sent out over 5000 seeds this year i would like to double that. Nothing better then trading seeds in my opinion! hehe


Man....you must have some serious acreage (and a kind climate).

I'm envious.
we have several different gardens we use and several farms as well. the main garden is 2 acres. we are just very lucky to be in an area with alot of horse farms that need help and in exchange i ask for garden spots hehe. the climate isnt too good this year but it will produce some nasty hot stuff being close to drought conditions. all seem to be doing very well except the pablanos again. i have problems with them evry year!

Bugboy said:
we have several different gardens we use and several farms as well. the main garden is 2 acres. we are just very lucky to be in an area with alot of horse farms that need help and in exchange i ask for garden spots hehe. the climate isnt too good this year but it will produce some nasty hot stuff being close to drought conditions. all seem to be doing very well except the pablanos again. i have problems with them evry year!


Are they certified organic? We're looking for certified organic sources.

no they are not. Sorry. i rotate the peppers year to year and here in pa from what i have heard in order to get certified organic you need 3 years same crop same location. it is just a hobby to me if i was to go all out i think it might take the fun out of it. I do not spray, do not fertilize other then horse manuer and seldom water them either. But things always seem to work out. Last year i thought i was in big trouble but ended up with my biggest crop ever. I know several people here in pa that do organic. if you let me know what peppers you want i might be able to find a source for you.

Bugboy said:
no they are not. Sorry. i rotate the peppers year to year and here in pa from what i have heard in order to get certified organic you need 3 years same crop same location. it is just a hobby to me if i was to go all out i think it might take the fun out of it. I do not spray, do not fertilize other then horse manuer and seldom water them either. But things always seem to work out. Last year i thought i was in big trouble but ended up with my biggest crop ever. I know several people here in pa that do organic. if you let me know what peppers you want i might be able to find a source for you.


The peppers we want? That's easy... the hotter the better.
