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Distorted curled leaves

On some of my plants the new top leaves are really distorted and curled. The bottom growth is fine though. I see no aphids or other pests. There are some ants and flys hangin aroung the plants though which is wierd with out aphids.



I have had a few do that to me. Once was aphids, and a few other times I believe it was "overheating" or a bit to much sun. I gave some water and a diluted dose of superbloom and put em in the shade for a day, and they bounced back. Some I did nothing to kind of as a controlled trial to see what worked best, and both methods seemed to work just as well. However the ones left to their own took a little longer to recover and were stunted for a little while.
I don't disagree with the comments above, if you do not find any pests and if you are able to shade the plants and they do not respond you may consider a nutrient deficiency. Specifically you may have a micronutrient deficiency and/or a Ca deficiency with the given symptoms. If it is this, you can try a fertilizer that contains micronutrients and/or try an application of gypsum (CaSO4). Lime will work as well but it is sparingly soluble in the soil solution whereas gypsum is readily soluble. Good luck. Another consideration, although I do not think given your symptoms very likely, is herbicide damage. I had (have) some issues with drift (auxinic herbicides such as 2,4-D and dicamba) which have affected my plants to varying degrees. If this is the case it will pass so long as the source is discovered and controlled. See my post on Nutrient deficiency.
looks like they may want some phosphorus>I'd give em' a handful of bone meal in the soil and also spray em' with neem for the bug problem.
Let 'em be. Alot of that is heat related. The new growth comes up a bit crinkly and then grows out as they get bigger. Or if you have a few overcast days, it clears up.
i've had similar problems with some of my older seedlings. i think it's just the heat. at least for mine. new growth crunchy and wrinkled and the older leaves seem fine.
These symptoms come up frequently and the problems usually are either pest related or overwatering/drainage issues which leads to nutrient uptake problems
Ive had the same issue. Gave them a 1/2 tsp per plant of bone meal and watered it in. Within 3 days they were looking great.
The newer Upper growth on my plants seems to curl when they need to be re-potted and the lower, older leaves dont curl but do get a yellow spotty look to them.

but if they are in large enough pots or in the ground it could be many other things.
Im not 100% sure, but I think POTAWIE is right. That happened to my plants, just about ALL of them, while we were getting a long series of rain storms. I started bringing them under cover, they perked up a little. When the rains slacked off, they went back to normal.