drying-smoking I couldnt handle the smell of dehydrating so many hot peppers

My buddy SilverSufer sent me an amazing care package full of amazing peppers and I needed to dehydrate them. I am sure most of you know what it smells like when your dehydrating a bunch of super hots and other peppers. For those of you who dont the scent consumes your whole house. So after a couple of hours and walking into my house from outside. I had some extra ducting or whatever that stuff is called laying around and shazam!
there was no discussion when i started to dehydrate habaneros, after 1 hour, the wife screamed as the kids eyes turned red and puffy, then the dehydrator was banished to the garage and it was -30C outside. i liked the smell..... if that means anything!
I have 6 full trays of peppers dehydrating in the kitchen, mostly hot chinenses and superhots and the smell is only noticeable when I get near it (about 5 feet away). There's no eye or skin irritation at all. Maybe it's because the temperature is low (95F)...
Temperature and humidity, if its low humidity the peppers dry faster and put off those lovely fumes faster also.
You are so creative, LnF! Love the ingenuity. :lol:

I dehydrate out in the commercial kitchen just for ease of use. But the family won't come out to the kitch when it's drying or powdering time.

....or sauce making time....or jalapeno grinding time......or.....

come to think of it, 'bout the only time they venture out there is LABELING time!

:lol: Just Kidding! Sort Of. The kid will sometimes help with bottling, but they are both sensitive to the chile fumes.
Bloody genius with the ducting!!
Definately gonna have to remember that- save me alot of grief from the woman. Doesn't seem to bother the 6 year old though. He's a tough guy!
Thanks for the idea.
What is the wattage of your hydrators? Looking at buying one and could use some advice on brands and/or features.

I have the same problem when making HOT sauce, but fortunately for anyone around there's a range exhaust that I turn on.
so dehydrating answers one ? what do you use to grind up and also can you use seeds after dehyration and if you remove seeds does it take a way any taste
so dehydrating answers one ? what do you use to grind up and also can you use seeds after dehyration and if you remove seeds does it take a way any taste

Dehydrators can easily get hot enough to damage seeds, remove any that you want to save for sewing later. Seeds add nothing positive to the taste of the pepper, rather than add a bit of bitterness... not a lot in most cases but the reason to leave seeds would be one of reducing preparation time. The placenta they are on, on the other hand, has flavor and a significantly higher concentration of capsaicin than the rest of the flesh.