chinense That Purple Bhut Jolokia

Okay folks- I managed to scour up enough pics for a Purple Bhut post finally. A few comments first:
1. These were taken with an iphone,of which I now have a VERY LOW OPINION OF FOR PICS.
2. These were taken for personal record/reference, mostly before I found this place, almost wasn't gonna post em after seeing the pic quality of that spiky BEAST of a Red Scorpion by 2112.I will definately have to give a serious look to a good digital camera!
3.Full frontal nudity shots(hehe)mostly, but will add some full length plant pics.
4.These plants were purchased in April, about 20" tall, they are now about a meter tall,love the sun,as I don't think I 've seen em droop since they got used to noon to 6pm South Louisiana full sun.....just starting to produce flowers new pods.....just in time for the Tropical storm(fingers crossed cuz I'm on a subsea construction vessel getting ready to depart Mobile, and may not get home in time)
The link:
Here you go, they don't look too bad!






I've never seen this type before, mine are long and skinny.

How hot are they?

I've never seen this type before, mine are long and skinny.

How hot are they?
Somewhere I saw some pics with a pepper called Bih(?) Jolokia Purple that was long and skinny-
Sweet and Pretty toasty-but not as hot as my Chocolate Bhuts. Thanks for gettin that up there....just started with photo bucket, ususally can upload from your drive...but to use a quote from above that describes my internet savvy:

"He's a ra-tard"
The overwintered mother plant was a beast, already had 40+ big purple pods all over it.I can say that
I'm not sure it its a true "Bhut", Potawie has similar sentiment I believe ....Hot Pooper what do your Purple bhuts look like?
The 2 Purple Bhuts have started throwing fruit finally,lots of em....I'm guessing about 2-3 weeks till ready, these are taking their own sweet time!

Do they turn green before red? They look green in that one picture. Haven't grown this one.

And no, they're *technically* not a true bhut because they are not superhot but I'm sure there are some bhut genetics in there as it's most certainly a cross of some sort. Anyone know where this strain originated from? I'd say this is no more a bhut than the white 7 pot can be considered a 7 pot.
Do they turn green before red? They look green in that one picture. Haven't grown this one.

And no, they're *technically* not a true bhut because they are not superhot but I'm sure there are some bhut genetics in there as it's most certainly a cross of some sort. Anyone know where this strain originated from? I'd say this is no more a bhut than the white 7 pot can be considered a 7 pot.
I don't know for sure about the color change because the pict was right after a transplanting(about a week)and thats what I attributed the pale green color with-as that was the only one I noticed it on, and they never were very purple on that particular plant(ie the first few pods,then no pods for long time, they are all coming out very purple now).Will post a color change pic when they change.That bunch all did the "3 color" transformation-looks really cool when they do that.

They are fairly warm and sweet...but not true bhut hot.More like typical orange habs hot.
Info is very scarce...
Gonna overwinter them both though.
Follow up pics the ripening....


They are overwintered, showing variegation and podding up currently.

and Patrick...I still have the seeds...but made the comment about moving and having enough. Just let me know if you are still interested ;)
Hi gnslngr, my name is Leo Glz. I´m mexican from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex. and not speak english (but I can read it).
I'm growing hot peppers and I will want some Purple bhut jolokia seeds. Don't you can some exchange with me through registered post.
I have follow seeds:
Habanero orange
Chile de arbol
Serrano pepper
Chiltepin pepper
Piquin pepper
Black pearl pepper
Bishop crown pepper
Numex twilight pepper
and 7 pot pepper

Thanks and I'm sorry for my english.
Post #4 shows purple flowers.
The plants are looking like an annuum.
And...the two plants look different

Could be a chinense X annuum cross in early selection stage.

That is one interesting pepper, I'd like to see what a cross of it would look like if it was crossed with a Brown Jolokia or a Brown Scorpion. Any one doing any crazy hot crosses? I got my heart doctor convinced that he needs to try one of my Bhut jolokia's later this summer when they have a few ripe peppers. I was hoping to get a couple Vipers to grow, but they required more heat than what I could give them as my heating pad died on me.