seeds-germination Hydrogen Peroxide Germination Pre-Soaking

I have never use Hydrogen Peroxide or Tea as a pre-soak

I have a couple of questions for those of you that are pre-soaking your seeds to increase germination rates.

  1. How long are you soaking them? I have seen anything from 30 minutes to 48 hours-
  2. What strength are you using? 1%,3% or something else?
  3. What is your next step after the soak?
ie. - Are you then germinating them on a paper towel – etc.

Yes, I do pre-soak. I use 3% and dilute it, about a table spoon in 16oz of water. I soak for a minute or two then rinse.

If you search the forum you will find posts regarding this, lots of expert growers here. I used some of the tips at this link with great results.

Have fun!

:welcome: Jamie-

Is guess my main question is are most people (after the pre-soak) putting the seeds on the papertowel to germinante or putting them straight into a pot with media, heat mat etc.

I use a hydrogen peroxide and 1% potassium nitrate solution for seed soaking and soak them over night. Ttake them straight out of the solution and put them in starting mix and then use the remaining solution to water them with. The peroxide sterilizes the seed coat of any fungus or bacterial agents that may have gotten on them, as well as adding oxygen to the mix.

mixing chart for H2O2
I use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1% potassium nitrate and soak over nite, place into coffee filters in baggies, use mixed solution to water.the roots will not grow into the coffee filter. Works for me!
Honestly, I don't think there's much reason to use peroxide on your seeds "in general". Yes, you'll kill all the bugs on the surface but unless you're working in a sterile environment, that's not necessarily a good idea anyway and you'll get mold and fungus just the same. The "extra oxygen" from the peroxide breaking down might linger around the seed for minutes after taking it out of the solution, but isn't likely to have any effect whatsoever on the seed.

I don't know - I've certainly not seen any benefits from using peroxide on seeds. Soaking them in water overnight - sure, that works. But whether or not there's 1 part per 1000 of h202 in there is, for the most part, completely irrelevant imo.

I do pre-germinate the seeds in perlite/vermiculite before I put them in a peat mix.
I soak for five minutes in hydrogen peroxide then 24 hrs in half strength cooled chamomile tea. Then into seed raising mix or jiffy pellets. I don't use the soaking solution afterwards to water, I just chuck it out.
I use the dilution rates on this page
I get much quicker gerimination and better germination rates this way. There are also almost no seeds stuck in their seed coats.
I just tried soaking in chamomile tea without the H2O2 and the rates weren't as good and they took longer. And it was all much worse with no soaking at all.
I would use some potassium nitrate if I could find any.
If you can get it from a hydro store it won't have any stabilisng chemicals in it but it will probably be 50% concentration so you have to dilute it a lot more.
It has made a big difference, I'd recommend you give it a go.
Not to get off the "beaten chilli path" but I,ve had great success with the combo of HP and PN, not only with chilli seeds but with others.
I did a test on some difficult to germinate "Bird-of-Paradise" seeds, some soaked overnite in just warm distilled water, and some soaked in a peroxide mix then an overnighter in a potassium nitrate mix, after 2 weeks the "chemical brew" popped all 6 seeds, the water dunk only produced 2 of 6 viable seeds... :(
Conclusion,....who knows for sure.....but I'll stick to the "Brew"
I have never used Potassium Nitrate mix - I thought that “Salt Peter” was the main ingredient in powered Stump Killer, it almost sounds a little counter intuitive. So where do you buy it?

I have never used Potassium Nitrate mix - I thought that "Salt Peter" was the main ingredient in powered Stump Killer, it almost sounds a little counter intuitive. So where do you buy it?

It is the main ingredient in stump killer. But anything in the wrong dosage is posionous, you only need a tiny amount to aid seed germination.
It is hard to get because you can make explosives with it. I think you can order it online (like everything!) If anyone knows of a place to get it cheap and easy I would, but I'm all but done sowing for the season so no rush.

Another thing no one has mentioned is gibberlin or gibberlic acid. It's a growth hormone which I've heard drug growers use when growing but it also works really well on germination. From what I've read, using too much will give you a very leggy plant. I'd give that a go too if I could get some.
I ran across this site regarding the use of tea- apperently Any Tea will do.

Tea Link

I guessing that it is time for a controlled germination test.

  • # 1 With HP Soak
  • # 2 W/O HP Soak "DRY"
  • # 3 With HP Soak and With Chamomile Tea
  • # 4 With HP Soak and With "Plain" Tea
  • # 5 W/O HP Soak but With Chamomile Tea
  • # 6 W/O HP Soak but With "Plain" Tea

I guess It would become real interesting if I could find some Potassium Nitrate.

I have never used Potassium Nitrate mix - I thought that “Salt Peter” was the main ingredient in powered Stump Killer, it almost sounds a little counter intuitive. So where do you buy it?


PN or Salt Peter (Petre) can be found online...germinating powder

That is the "Axe to the Log" when it comes to penetrating the hull of a seed...

As far as dangerous, not in small amounts, 1 Tbs per gallon of water is

On a different note...I was out with the garden gang for some pop's last night and we all had a good laugh,

It's amazing how some people use treated wood (pine) instead of cedar, redwood or composite when building raised beds

for their "eatables"......

Now theres years of leeching bad chemicals into the "corraled" soil...
On a different note...It's amazing how some people use treated wood (pine) instead of cedar, redwood or composite when building raised beds

for their "eatables"......

Now theres years of leeching bad chemicals into the "corraled" soil...

And in a similar manner, do you think that is any different than people pouring "Crap" products into their "eatables" Hydro systems. lol IMO Use something clean and organic like FoxFarm.

I've been wondering about this too because I've seen others mention it. One day I may require it. That day might be approaching soon w a particular seed I'm trying to germinate. I think my seeds may have just been @ too long & no longer viable too so....
I think the idea is that the HP Kills off any fungus that are on the seed coat. That the chamomile tea is touted by some as a method of controlling damping off not sure if that is because most all Tea Tannins help soften the seat coat and the seeds sprouts sooner or if there is something else in the tea that helps deter the fungus and keeps the seed from rotting while the seed is waiting to germinate in moist soil.

And then to put another spin on this: After soaking the seed in HP and Tea you put the paper toweled seeds in the refrigerator overnight.

ROTLMAO I think I am just going to start using a SHAMWOW to germinate my seeds.

And in a similar manner, do you think that is any different than people pouring "Crap" products into their "eatables" Hydro systems. lol IMO Use something clean and organic like FoxFarm.


Sure Foxfarm has good products "Happy Frog" is the one I use......not cheap in a large grow

but mixed with a few others seems to produce a good "Bio" type glow..........Opps I mean grow.....
I use a hydrogen peroxide solution, to.
I soak them for three days but I change the solution every day.
Works very well, most varieties germinate after 3 days.
I have to look up again what concentration I do use, but it is pretty low.

You can buy potassium nitrate in prepared packages from The Pepper Gal at What I use comes about from years of trying different ways to get the best germination of seeds. Its not the only way to do it. IT WORKS FOR ME!!