It's time for my first grow log.
Season Starts
Capsicum Annuum:
Capsicum Annuum:

Row1: Best NotLocato, NotLocato, Brazilian Starfish
Row2: NotLimo NotBlanco, 1st NotLocato Flower, 1st NotLocato Flower
Row3: 1st 2 NotLocato Fruits Set, Habanero, 1st NotLocato Pod
I'll post the rest of the photos after somebody else replies or in a day or so if time frame for post merging expires.
The NotLocato plants pictured above are bucking the Capsicum Pubescens trend and out performing plants belonging to other species of Capsicum.
Updated on 20 Oct 2013 to prefix the remaining Nots.
Updated on 21 Jan 2013 to prefix the Nots.
Season Starts
Capsicum Annuum:
- Aci Sivri
- Ebony Fire
- NotFluorescent NotPurple
- Goat's Weed
- Jalapeño Not Mild
- Aji Amarillo
- Aji Cristal
- Aji Omnicolor
- Bishop's Hat
- Brazilian Starfish
- Beni Highlands
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Habanero, Chocolate
- NotHabanero, Peach
- Jamaican Hot Chocolate
- Limon (2 sources)
- Moruga Red
- Scotch Bonnet TFM
- Seven Pot (Jonah?)
- Manzano, Yellow (cutting)
- Rocoto, Orange
- NotBhut Jolokia, NotWhite
- NotScarlet NotLantern
- 2011-12-23 - NotLimo NotBlanco tagged as a Not since everything about it screams Annuum.
- 2011-12-25 - Tiny plant in the garden identified as Aji Omnicolor by leaf structure and first flower open this day.
- 2012-02-01 - 1/2 Brazilian Starfish reclassified as a Not
- 2012-02-12 - NotBhut Jolokia, NotWhite reclassified as a Not.
- 2012-05-09 - NotBrazilian NotStarfish disposed some time ago.
- 2012-05-09 - NotLimo NotBlanco and 1/2 NotWhite NotBhut on the way out.
Capsicum Annuum:
- Hungarian Hot Wax
- Jalapeño Fire(less) Eater
- Jamaican Yellow
- Rainbow
- Rainbow x Jalapeño Not Mild
- Aji Amarillo
- Aji Omnicolor
- Inca Red Drop
- Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate
- Caribbean Red
- Datil
- Fatalii
- Habanero, Orange
- Habanero, White
- Maraba Yellow
- Naga Morich
- Seven Not, Yellow
- Trinidad Scorpion
- NotLocato, NotPI387838
- Manzano, Yellow
- Rocoto, Orange
- 2012-02-01 - Disposed of Not Brazilian Starfish that in hindsight would have better not been classified as another Bishop's Hat.
- 2012-02-01 - Disposed of Not Scarlet Lantern last week.
- 2012-05-09 - Bishop's Hat disposed some time ago.
- 2012-05-09 - Jalapeño Not Mild died some time ago.

Row1: Best NotLocato, NotLocato, Brazilian Starfish
Row2: NotLimo NotBlanco, 1st NotLocato Flower, 1st NotLocato Flower
Row3: 1st 2 NotLocato Fruits Set, Habanero, 1st NotLocato Pod
I'll post the rest of the photos after somebody else replies or in a day or so if time frame for post merging expires.
The NotLocato plants pictured above are bucking the Capsicum Pubescens trend and out performing plants belonging to other species of Capsicum.
Updated on 20 Oct 2013 to prefix the remaining Nots.
Updated on 21 Jan 2013 to prefix the Nots.