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Red Fatalli

What are these like, I love my regular ones... I grew some Choco ones and the sucked big time. No flavor, no heat, just usless. Are the reds worth growing? I got the seeds from Romy6 but I don't think he has grown them yet...
if my memory serves me right, the red fatalii is a cross between a red savina and a fatalii. i have not tried one but i am just going based on what i remember reading last season. try a search i swear i remember seeing some details about this pod, might be in the marketplace. i cannot rememebr. but i think it looked fatalii but had the savina flavor
I think there are a few different red fataliis going around. The ones I grew were OK but not even close in flavor to the real fatalii
Conrad.The ones I had are from Brian( justaguy ). They are a cross like spongy said. The pods were massive and very tasty. Kind of like a red savina but sweeter and hotter than my red savina's. I have too say tasty enough to grow a plant.

What I grew last year were a cross. As I had mentioned in the beginning of last season they were supposed to fatalii that were sent to me, but had apparently crossed with the red savina they were next to. Therefore this would make what I grew an F1 which as I learned more regarding F1,F2 and so on I feel that next year will be interesting growing them out.

Flavor profile = red savina with a tint of fatalii

Heat = red savina plus some.

To those that got the seed from me I do apologize for the fact they were seed from an F1 and I never thought to say anything.
Maybe a different name would be less complicated since there is already a red fatalii, although I'm not sure its an old heirloom type like the yellows
Fatiina maybe, or just Red savina X Fatalii
yeah I only called it that because it was supposed to be a fatalii and ended up being red.

For a while now and from here on out I will be referring to it as the Red Savina/Fatalii cross
the Red Fatallis I got from Peppermania 2 years ago sucked in heat and flavor...was my first and last time growing them...and the chocolate fataliis sucked even worse as far as taste goes...just can't beat the old standard Fatalii
That was why i was wondering... i love the Yellow, and have some going from last year. well there sprouted now, so we'll see what happens,maybe something interesting since it will be an F2