So from help and Tips I heard that stressing out a plant will make peppers hotter, what are some tips on ways to rightfuly stressing a plant and at how young should I stress it?
basically dont water it or feed it until it is can start this as soon as you transplant from germ medium. have also heard about stressing them with less and more light cycle and temperature..although never tried these methods, only the 'water when wilted' technique. good luck and let us know what works good for you!
basically dont water it or feed it until it is can start this as soon as you transplant from germ medium. have also heard about stressing them with less and more light cycle and temperature..although never tried these methods, only the 'water when wilted' technique. good luck and let us know what works good for you!
just let them listen t the wife naggin
So from help and Tips I heard that stressing out a plant will make peppers hotter, what are some tips on ways to rightfuly stressing a plant and at how young should I stress it?
You can stress a plant with heat stress, water stress(deprive of water), or fertilizer stress(drastically increasing nutrients)
I don't believe there is any real point stressing a plant before there are pods present. Remember that stressing a plant is not good for growth or production, it is a reaction to a poor environment or being poorly treated. Personally I wouldn't bother stressing plants, you can get pods these days that are beyond edible as is and I'd rather have a highly productive plant any day although pods grown in the middle of summer should be hotter than spring/fall pods
just let them listen t the wife naggin
Yes but while the peppers are forming is when you want to stress the plant. Stress is a part of nature, Jalapenos will not be hot if they are grown fast and not stressed.
The plants are not producing any capsaicin before there are pods so I don't think pre-stressing the plant will really make forming pods hotter.
Generally when we talk about stressing here we're talking about intentional stressing, not just changes in the seasons etc.
My jalapenos are never intentionally stressed and they are always plenty hot, but pods ripening in the mid-summer heat are usually hotter
This is my first season growing so I need many tips and by the looks of the information just gathered seems like pro info, I'm growing from serranos, aji dulce to scorpion butch t to the one mighty brain strain/moruga
+1just let them listen t the wife naggin
This is my first season growing so I need many tips and by the looks of the information just gathered seems like pro info, I'm growing from serranos, aji dulce to scorpion butch t to the one mighty brain strain/moruga
Well being this your first season I would have to agree with stc3248 and POTAWIE that you should focus o just growing healthy plants. The weather will take care of the heat levell for you. Just make sure to never overwater and never overfertilize.