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extreme-heat I have aquired some pure 16 crystals ... how shall I eat them??

from a small tiny vial came a generous amount of pure crystal.
I think that my first piece will go into a can of soup.
I will post my findings.

As an after thought you do relize the highest scorville legal strenght of pepper spray in Australia is 2 million scorvilles. The only reson I state this is I think you should be very careful regarding handling such a product. Its basically a weapon... if you do ingest a large quantity and don't go into some sort of asthmatic shock remember to put a roll of toilet paper in the fridge. lol
be very careful,
Shayne -- Hope you dont mind me asking but, How old are you ? if you look at your post from before I posted the story of that stuff and the soup. Be careful in what you do
bentalphanerd said:
chew the whole vial now - ground glass can't hurt you.

The cuts from the glass will help you take in the capsacium from multiple entry points ;)

Seriously though - record a video of the event and post it online, either as a warning to anyone else who thinks about doing this or as proof you are god-like in terms of your chemical resistance.

You might want to try the hottest sauce you just bought straight up before you try this, because if you can't handle that, there is no way you can handle the crystal.

Also have someone present and ready to call paramedics no matter how you choose your mode of ingestion.

This reminds me of a short film I saw on the Independent Film Channel...some guy paid another man to shoot him in the arm with a handgun at point blank range because he wanted a bullet wound scar.
"You might want to try the hottest sauce you just bought straight up before you try this, because if you can't handle that, there is no way you can handle the crystal.

Also have someone present and ready to call paramedics no matter how you choose your mode of ingestion."

Very good advice. I've been tempted to try the stuff I have (usually after a large amount of beer has been consumed), but common sense has always gotten the best of me. Thank God.
DEFCON Creator said:
Very good advice. I've been tempted to try the stuff I have (usually after a large amount of beer has been consumed), but common sense has always gotten the best of me. Thank God.

Thank God i don't have any of that shit around when i'm face first in a bottle of vodka or gin....NOTHING could stop me from trying it then
I am 34 as of nov 13 .
I am not a moron and don't plan on eating them like pop rocks .
I will try one in a pot of soup to see how strong it is but from what i read it takes a while to break down so that is why i was asking about how to eat them.
I am sure it will be hot but 1 tiny crystal in a pot of soup should be a safe way to ingest i would think??
I have eaten a teaspoon of daves ultimate insanity and i am in no way immune to heat as it kicked my ass.
I am editing the Uncle big wing event as we speak and you can see my wimp ass tap out at 15 wimgs and fifth place .
the guy that one is insane and i may be able to take him if i was not hung over from a bad night of drinking that i don't do all that often.
I will post vids and pics as soon as they are done and Uncle big aproves them.

I've been thinking about this
Fatalii = 400 000 scorv per pod
Orange habanero = 250 000 scorv per pod
naga whichever = 1 million scorv ish per pod
I've chewed up whole pods of O habs and fatalii and they both sat me down and made me cry and drool and wimper like a baby.

finite crystals of doom = 16000000 thats a lot of Pod heat in one mouthful... my money is on some sort of blistering.... and yet I can't wait for the You tube images:lol: Good luck buddy.:hell:
I would still suggest not doing it. I have spoken to people that have, and they truly wish they hadn't. If Dave's Ultimate Insanity kicked you, you may be in for something much less than pleasurable. Just a bit of advice. Like I said, I have a number of vials of that stuff, and try not to even think of ingesting it.
Maybe I would give it to someone I truly hate, but eating it myself is just insane!
I never tried the pure stuff before, because even peppers can easily make me cry, so...
Just imagine what it would do to your mouth, stomach and rectum. :lol:
I asked how old you were because the way your posts read are those of someone in their late teens.
I am sure it will be hot but 1 tiny crystal in a pot of soup should be a safe way to ingest i would think??

at 16 million Scovies ya think ! Check around for it on the web and what has it been done with......its not like adding any type of extract you have ever "ingested"

I have eaten a teaspoon of daves ultimate insanity and i am in no way immune to heat as it kicked my ass.
That was 90k scovilles from what is on the web and what you have, is over 175 times hotter