My Black Pearl + ID - 07/8 - getting red!!!

Hi everyone,

Here is a pic of my black pearl start to growing some new leavs after his 3rd winter outside (you can see the branching):


Also got has a gift 4 pepper small plants. can you id it? there is also a pic of the labeling.



Thank You!

Mine is only 8" tall and it already is one of my favorite plants! These things grow fast, look cool, and put out crazy looking pods.
I cant wait for mine to get bigger and start putting out purple flowers like yours. Thanks for building my excitement for this variety.
What do you think? does mine look like a cross or is it just young? No darkening of the leaves yet, however the stems have been getting darker.
As for the blossoms, only purple on the outside edges. Think It just needs more sun?
Hi friend,

I'm not an expert on peppe or even the black pearl :-)

Mine get out purple flowers from the bagining.

Abou the sun, here is the summer and hot!! the sun is up in the sky starting abou 5-6 AM and down about 6-7PM I'ts a lot of sun time and without any clouds.
Hi Jerry,

sorry for the long time respons.

I'm not at home for the last few weeks.

pls send me PM so when I come back home I can check it.
at the moment I'm not near a computer for long days.

Uptade for Aug.

Here some of the black pearl with the other pepper in the pic of my #14 messege


And the dry out gor grind and for 2012-13 season seeds
