• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Trinidad Scorpion Cold Tolerance

So, I abused five 3ft tall tscorps by putting them outside in mid-march (Madison, Wisconsin. I ran out of room indoors). Predictably, all lost their leaves (weren't hardened off, didn't cut them back) and seemingly died (9 days of below freezing weather since I put them out, coldest was 22F according to local news). I left them for dead, but all started coming back to life this last week.

Does any one know of more details on pepper cold tolerance? I thought the general assumption had been, below freezing = death as the plant tissues couldn't handle the freezing/thawing process. The upper stems are brown and dead, but the vast majority of the plants trunks are alive and intact.
It may have not been continuously that cold where you left them. Were they in pots or in the ground? Either way, at least the roots must have been kept above freezing to stay alive. Hope it stays warm now...

By the way... any pics?
I had 5 full grown plants survive 3 winters down here, thought the coldest temp I've scene is 28 and I've protected them from the wind with plastic. I have more problems with bugs here in the swamp
The length of exposure is more detrimental than simply being exposed to those temperatures.

Another thing to consider is that you could have some sort of micro-climate whsre those plants are. If they are against the house or near shrubs or trees, that could buffet the cold and wind. Something as small as 5 degrees can make a big difference on the survival chances.
So THEY can tolerate a little cold?  PHEWWWW!  I just planted mine Tuesday, and the damn polar vortex hit (south texas).  It was about 38 when I wrapped the trough  in (yes I know overkill) a sleeping bag and a waterproof tarp over that.  This AM 2-27-2014 there was a thick layer of frost everwhere, and ice on the windshield.  Forgot to put a light inside with the plants.  Hope they can tolerate a little dark for a day or two..Because I work 12 hour shifts, by the time I get up or get home it's dark and back to cold :(