color Yellow Brain Strains vs regular yellow 7 pods

I just ordered a box of yellow Brain Strains from Dale and I was just wondering, (while I wait for my box to show up) for those who have tried both, how to these yellow brain strains compare with regular yellow 7 pods? Do both have that yellow citrus taste, or does one taste better than the other? How about with heat? I would assume the BSs would be a bit hotter, but how does that compare? Thanks, Tom
I've only had one Brain Strain, it was from the first part of the season (hotter season = hotter peppers as you likely know), and so I wasn't overwhelmed by the heat, it was small potatoes compared to the Bhut I ate a while back... The taste was amazing, somewhere between an orange and a Lemon. The flavor powered through the spice.

The spice lasted about 20 minutes I guess? Its the only pepper I've tried so far, that made my urine burn.

Haven't had a regular yellow 7 pot yet, but will do in the next couple weeks. Can't wait!
oh hell,your urine burn? I thought once I graduated from college,all that burning feeling stuff would end...
Damn why did I get into this again? LOL

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body!
7 pod yellow brainstrain comes from the 7 pod yellow the only difference is the distinctive outer exterior that resembles a brainstrain. There was a debate on this topic at CG with photos of a 7 pod yellow that grew out with the characteristics of a brainstrain that why you see all the photos of some 7 pod brainstrain yellow coming out looking like 7 pod yellow.
+1 Socal.

The Yellow BS is a cross between the Red BS and Yellow 7 Pod.

I think it would be dependent to the pepper. I'm sure you can eat a Yellow 7 Pod that is hotter than a Yellow BS and the other way around.

Not every pepper is created equal. A lot of factors come into play when it comes to heat. But if I had to take a guess. On average the Yellow BS is going to be hotter than the normal Yellow 7 Pod.

PS. I think it is so funny when my piss burns from consuming a lot of capsaicin. I laugh everytime....and yes, I am sick in the head.
I'm sure there will be a lot of arguing about this by the end of summer. Yellow Brain Strain is a selectively bred Yellow 7 pot SR. Just my opinion. There is no shortage of people renaming peppers nowadays, or people supplementing their incomes on other peoples ignorance. It's the U.S.A. I am growing both out of curiosity.
Ok Potawie I mixed that up. Selectively chosen is what I was getting at. I agree the red brain is the same as this. I wasn't around back when all this stuff was happening but SR does not get the props that they should. That is how it typically works. I am not wanting to cause drama by any means, just wanting to point out some obvious things.