Stressing peppers

This is one of my Bhut plants that I am growing in Central Florida. I am curious on how to stress the peppers with lack of water? Here is a pic of my plant:


Right now we have had 0 rain and I am watering every couple of days. The peppers have been green for 1 month, how long does it take before they turn color?

What I have found is that by manipulating the root zone, one can create hotter and tastier peppers. However that does not mean starving it for water outright, as seems to be the case in your picture. The magic number seems to be 40% field moisture in the root zone. By keeping things between 25% - 40% during fruiting, I've gotten far better peppers and a higher ripening speed. Tomatoes seem to like ~55% to achieve this (higher brix, more flavor, etc.)

Give that guy a little water!
Water isn't the problem. Your plants are getting too much sun. Give them a little more shade.
If your pods have been green for a month, they should be turning soon.
What I have found is that by manipulating the root zone, one can create hotter and tastier peppers. However that does not mean starving it for water outright, as seems to be the case in your picture. The magic number seems to be 40% field moisture in the root zone. By keeping things between 25% - 40% during fruiting, I've gotten far better peppers and a higher ripening speed. Tomatoes seem to like ~55% to achieve this (higher brix, more flavor, etc.)

Give that guy a little water!

I was wondering what kind of sensor do you use to measure field moisture?
I watered it after this pic was taken and sprouted back real it is raining like crazy in Central Florida
Looks good to me. I did that last year all year and had some rightous peppers from the stress!! Keep at it, just don't go overboard with drying them out.
I was wondering what kind of sensor do you use to measure field moisture?

I calibrate everything with the Baseline single controller. I use drip tape so I can cover a lot of area with only one circuit. Here's what I use:

Think it cost me around $150.