Is It Stinky?

Spent a good part of the day prepping and mixing some really fermented plant mater. I cooked the black and grey bins for a few months, today we made a 50/50 soil mix with the dried potting soil. Now all I have to do is add peat and perlite to complete it.
That looks like some good stuff you got going. I just did the same thing but on a much smaller scale.
I used
  • 20% fresh wet wormcasting
  • 30% compost
  • 10% perlite
  • 40% Patio Plus
to fill a 5Gal bucket Then I added
  • 1 cup of blended fomented Kelp
  • 1/4 cup of Alaska Fish diluted with 2 cups of my last batch of Tea.
I plan on letting it cook for a month or so while my Brain Strain seeds mature enough for a repot.
Final product, 50% Base mix,40% peat,10% Perlite, this batch is my 4th, the first 2 done a few months ago didn't turn out as well (not enough peat or perlite) I did small batches till I figured the out ratios. all the plants repotted over the last 2 months have this ratio and are doing fine even with the deluge of rain the over the last 2 weeks.
I like to have a 20% aerator content. Whether that be perilite, vermiculite, bark/chips, etc.
I second that.
So what do you mean by fermented plant matter?

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]A local soil company that supplies our nurseries dropped off the base mix, its a good mix of local trees and sand, guessing it would be 60/40 wood/sand mix, I put it in bins wet it then cover it, rainwater also drains into the bins. After a couple months and checking it every few weeks, I mix it 50/50 with the dry base mix. Then it gets cut with peat and perlite. The final ratio would be 50% composted soil mix 40% peat and about 10% perlite.[/background][/font]