food bludgeon'ed mary!!!

the drunken bartender attacks again... i was hanging out in my yard. looking at my now 47 pepper plants.. ( it was supposed to only 20 for the year, but a mix up in orders got me an extra 24 datils).. i was drinking a store bought bloody mary mix.. and i had a thought... " i wonder what green un ripe, but full size datil tastes like"......
just to answer the question.... THEY TASTE GREAT!!!!! so i immediately started rethinking my current beverage..

this is two green datils
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
1tsp of black pepper
small chunk of ginger
lime juiced
1 oz of worshtorshire show shire soo sire soo what ever sauce
2 sweet red peppers
1 clove garlic

stuck in the vitamix ( or blender of your choice) with 10 cubes of ice

ill post pics of the hangover tomorrow if i can remember!!

best bloody mary ever!


dont ask me how 24 plust 20 ends upn as 47, cause i really have no idea
Bwahahahahahah 2fish! You're cracking me up.
Yeah The Food and Beverage forum might have been better,
but you've got the one food group that truley matters. Limes. I mean BOOZE.