ive been mulling this thing over since like last November... stock piling parts and other junk... however it wasnt untill like 2 weeks ago that i actually started building this thing. i have the fairly distasteful tendency to procrastinate on projects... or just drop one and start another.
anyway i thought i would just start a build log, hopefully it will keep me motivated to keep working on this thing.
so heres whats going on. this thing hopefully will ultimately control EC, PH, Chlorine injection, and Irrigation. it will ultimatly be composed two separate assemblies, a high pressure distribution assembly, and a low pressure sensor loop. the system will maintain a 30 gallon reservoir of fertilized water at what ever PH and ec i choose, and then pump it out to where ever i choose, at what ever volume i want up to 5 gpm.
heres where i started.
prior to my most current bout of building. i had a super ghetto setup useing a 5gpm diaphragm pump connected to my res. i would simply mix a batch of fertilizer, adjust the ph, and then let the irrigation controller pump it out to the plants. one res of 30 gallons would last around 4 or 5 days with he amount of emitters i was using back then. TBH even at that point, it was a really convenient setup. it takes about 15 minutes to mix up the fertilizer and adjust its ph once you know what you are doing. anyway that setup ran off of a hose that i coiled up next to the system which was ugly as hell. so i elected to just bolt some sch 80 pvc to the wall... which IMO looks alot nicer. im intending on this being a farily perminate setup, so i installed the thing with masonry anchors. it just runs the legnth of the brick veneer up to where the system sits. there are a few valves and unions that allow me to drain it when its too cold, and to divert vater to where ever i want.
heres a shot of the connection
its hard to see but its connected with some braided hose.
heres a shot of what i guess ill call the... distribution assembly? its just a ton of valves that allow me to direct water from the res into the pump, and out to any of the three zones that you see in the lower left. you will notice that the top most pvc pipe is connected to my tap water pipe thing. this is so i can push fresh water out any of the zones such that i can "flush" them without dumping the res or what ever.
anyway heres some more shots.
heres the irrigation emmiters im useing... they are netafim spray stakes. 3gpm they spray real wide and cover pretty much the whole container.... 1 per 10 gallon container... w.e
feel free to ask anything, ill help explain anything i can
edit: redundant photo. deleted another so they all fit...
edit: moved some photos to another post.
anyway i thought i would just start a build log, hopefully it will keep me motivated to keep working on this thing.
so heres whats going on. this thing hopefully will ultimately control EC, PH, Chlorine injection, and Irrigation. it will ultimatly be composed two separate assemblies, a high pressure distribution assembly, and a low pressure sensor loop. the system will maintain a 30 gallon reservoir of fertilized water at what ever PH and ec i choose, and then pump it out to where ever i choose, at what ever volume i want up to 5 gpm.
heres where i started.

prior to my most current bout of building. i had a super ghetto setup useing a 5gpm diaphragm pump connected to my res. i would simply mix a batch of fertilizer, adjust the ph, and then let the irrigation controller pump it out to the plants. one res of 30 gallons would last around 4 or 5 days with he amount of emitters i was using back then. TBH even at that point, it was a really convenient setup. it takes about 15 minutes to mix up the fertilizer and adjust its ph once you know what you are doing. anyway that setup ran off of a hose that i coiled up next to the system which was ugly as hell. so i elected to just bolt some sch 80 pvc to the wall... which IMO looks alot nicer. im intending on this being a farily perminate setup, so i installed the thing with masonry anchors. it just runs the legnth of the brick veneer up to where the system sits. there are a few valves and unions that allow me to drain it when its too cold, and to divert vater to where ever i want.
heres a shot of the connection

its hard to see but its connected with some braided hose.

heres a shot of what i guess ill call the... distribution assembly? its just a ton of valves that allow me to direct water from the res into the pump, and out to any of the three zones that you see in the lower left. you will notice that the top most pvc pipe is connected to my tap water pipe thing. this is so i can push fresh water out any of the zones such that i can "flush" them without dumping the res or what ever.
anyway heres some more shots.

heres the irrigation emmiters im useing... they are netafim spray stakes. 3gpm they spray real wide and cover pretty much the whole container.... 1 per 10 gallon container... w.e

feel free to ask anything, ill help explain anything i can
edit: redundant photo. deleted another so they all fit...
edit: moved some photos to another post.