Free Tomato seed Catalog and Free Hot Pepper seed Catalogs

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Get your FREE Tomato Seed catalogs from Penny's Tomatoes at

Get your FREE Hot Pepper Seed catalogs from Pepper Joe's at

Bounty Cust. Cheryl Stone Hamilton with Penny's tomatoesTM PIC.jpg

We are a 'business friendly' if you need multiple copies to have at your business....for example Nurseries, Garden centers, Farmers Markets, Offices, etc. just drop a line directly to


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We send out over 50,000 Catalogs a year for FREE. We also give away 3 packs of free tomato seeds at Penny's Tomatoes and 2 packs of free hot pepper seeds at Pepper Joe's.
Just our lil' way for saying THANKS for being a customer.
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Tomato-Ly Yours,
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
I just went to your pepper joe site and clicked on the free catalog section. I put my address down and okayed it. Then to check if it is the 2013 or 2012 version I went back and hit the pdf.--it came up the 2012.

I would like the 2013 version when it's out. My name is Mike Rote, if that helps from your system stand point. Already have 2012's version. Thanks, Mike
Hi Mike,
We're still sending out a few thousand of the 2012 Catalogs to anyone that does a request to use them all up...BUT..for YOU Buddy...send me an email to mentioning THP and I'll put you on the 2013 Catalog list. You'll receive it in early January.

We're working on our 2014 Catalogs which we're anticipating sending out 100,000 Catalogs this year.
I'm still kind of shocked that we are now the largest Hot Pepper Seed company in the world.
:dance:  :confused:  :dance:  :confused:  :dance:
Give us some there any NEW varieties of Hot Peppers that you'd like to see us carry?
We plan on introducing maybe a dozen new varieties....many new cutting edge fertilizers.  Some exclusive to Pepper Joe's and Supreme Growers.
So give us YOUR input please.
Thank You.jpg
Just got a PM asking us to offer the Paper Lantern Habanero.
We have Mitzi Hammer in Virginia growing it our for us and YES it will be in our 2014 Catalog.
Hey Scratch,
If you ordered last year you will automatically get two catalogs. If it slips through the cracks just let me know and we'll rush them right out.