chinense yellow butch T scorpion peppers

I have just looked at the peppers on one of my Butch T Scorpion plants that I started with my own seeds from last year and they are all turning yellow. I did not mislabel the plant and when I produced the seeds that made this plant, I wasn't even growing any yellow peppers at all(so no cross pollination) . Most of the peppers being produced have little tails on them. So, is this the way people come up with yellow forms of regularly red pepper plants? They just sort of happen from seed? I'll take some pictures and when they mature, do the taste test to see how they vary from the red ones. Maybe a mix of yellow and red taste, much like a fraction of the yellow brains I had. This is sort of exciting for me because this is the first time something like this has happened. Tom
I'm not saying it did, but this plant could have crossed with a yellow plant years earlier
and has just been carrying the yellow gene as it is recessive, only now could it be expressing itself
or the gene could have mutated and now you have the yellow variation???????
sounds like a possible mutation, which is how a lot of these peppers come into existence. for instance, the orange 7 pot primo seeds i purchased from recently. also the yellow 7 pot jonah on their site as well. supposedly the chocolate bhut jolokia is a natural mutation as well. so, to answer your question, yes. this is how this happens. i believe it is called a "spontaneous mutation" or something similar. awesome for you, and you could have something really badass on your hands. definitely save those seeds and grow them out to see what happens. you may have a first of it's kind.
I have already seen that a yellow Butch T exists for sale, so I don't think I have something that is one of a kind, but certainly, the gentics from this plant may be unique, and I will work with this. I am able to over winter my plants in a greenhouse, so hopefully, this one plant will be around for a few years.
I originally bought a Butch T plant from Refining Chilis. (which I HAVE seen hybrid plants being sold as a named type from them on more than one occation) The plant made regular Butch T pods, and I collected seeds from the best looking pods. I later made more plants from those seeds. This next generation, I there again, took the seeds from the best pods, and it is one of those seeds that made this plant. Sure, I am betting there is a little yellow in the genetics of that original plant and it hasn't come up for a couple more generations. I just think its so cool it happened to me. I'll see about taking a picture once I get something that is all yellow and ready to pick. I'm hoping it tastes different but holds some killer heat. If these pods are really good, I'll make up a few packets to give away to a few of you great pepper people. Too many times, with other plants, I have seen people hoard all the genetics, just to have the plants killed for some reason and then nobody gets a chance at them. I won't let this happen with these. I have several pods turning color now and I will taste test a few of them to see how they vary in taste, or if they are somewhat consistant.
According to Butch,the Butch T Might or Might Not be a Cumari X Scorpion in the first place.
Though it seems to be stable maybe the Cumari X genes(if it was a cross) are comming out now.

That would explain the Yellow color.
With super hots in general these days,it's hard to say anything is pure or true.Just because you got pods that originaly looked true from isolated plants doesn't mean much these days.
Hybrids take their time to show their recessive genes sometimes.

Original Butch T's I don't think had any color change between green and red.
i read something that jim duffy posted on fireyfoods and bbq super site to make a long story short if i remeber corectly put the 7 pod as granddaddy of all super hots trinidad being such a small island with bonets habs and 7pods on it could spawn scorps douglas even if some elongiated pods made it to india we now have bhuts and i read some were else they say bhuts have fructenes in em could explain the longer pods also but please dont quote me or take this as gospel, this theory dose kinda hold water at least in my book and kinda explains all the variety in super hots and when u have people selecting and crossing it kinda makes it X 10 in variey,So stuff kinda popping up could explain yellows whites and browns like to see pictures thanks for posting
I took a few pictures of the yellow Butch Ts today. Lets see if I can get them on the forum. Here is at least the link.

Quote to embed pic, cool looking pods...
these definatly look like they're in their final ripening stage, looking real cool
I'd love to do a trade with if you have some seeds to spare
i read something that jim duffy posted on fireyfoods and bbq super site to make a long story short if i remeber corectly put the 7 pod as granddaddy of all super hots trinidad being such a small island with bonets habs and 7pods on it could spawn scorps douglas even if some elongiated pods made it to india we now have bhuts and i read some were else they say bhuts have fructenes in em could explain the longer pods also but please dont quote me or take this as gospel, this theory dose kinda hold water at least in my book and kinda explains all the variety in super hots and when u have people selecting and crossing it kinda makes it X 10 in variey,So stuff kinda popping up could explain yellows whites and browns like to see pictures thanks for posting
That was one helluva sentence! !! ;-)
That was one helluva sentence! !! ;-)
it speaks volumes on our educational system dont it ..?. no i just hate spelling stuff right and get in a big hurry thats all, nice pepper pods the plant looks good too, that brown looks kinda like corking is that what it is or is it dirt i seen a hab or 2 with a crack in it every once in a wille but its rare,