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DWC Kohlrabi

Anyone try this? I started a couple plants in Oasis Cubes. I put 2 seeds per cube then removed the weaker one. Kohlrabi start super fast in Oasis cubes. I looked upt he PH and it says 6.0-7.5. Anyone tried this? After transfering the 2 plants I had to my DWC I started 4 more plants in oasis cubes.
I should mention this is the Purple Vienna variety.

never done kohlrabi, but seeing as it is so similar to lettuce and other large leaved greens... i think it will do incredible in a DWC situation. best of luck, and i am very interested to see how this does
Does Kohlrabi grow its bulb under the soil? If it does then you will most likely have rotting problems. I have no experience with Kohlrabi, but if it does grow the bulb above the soil/water line, then you should have absolutely no problem. As bushwackxj mentioned, the leaves will do very well in the DWC.

You said that your pH was 6-7.5. This is a bit too basic, you should try and aim for a pH of about 5.5-6.5 with most hydroponic crops.

When I grew lettuce in the DWC, it absolutely thrived! It was too successful, and actually weighed too much and made the netcup fall into the hole in addition to overcrowding my basil. I'm expecting really good results from you!
Kohlrabi grow above the soil. I looked up the PH Kohlrabi like to grow at and it said 6.0-7.5. Maybe someone can weigh in on this.
I think that the pH you are referring to is for soil growing. Hydroponic plants usually like a more acidic range, but you should get a second opinion for sure
There was almost no info on the PH for hydroponic Kohlrabi one place did say 6.0-7.5. I noticed most places that mention cabbage which the Kohlrabi is in the same family. They all said the same 6.0-7.5. Right now I am keeping mine at 6.5.
Thats a healthy looking plant! Love doing hydroponics myself :) Mostly peppers in my hydroponic systems though but sometimes some lettuce too