flowers falling off

what would the reason be for flowers on my butch t plant that is 5 mth old and 3.5 ft tall.
it is an indoor plant and im pollinating with a brush. water color brush so it is nice and soft.
ive noticed there is a tiny white stem that comes out of the things that hold the pollin, and when i
use the brush this stem sometimes falls off. is that why the flowers only last for 2-3 days..

There are many reasons for flower drop. It's been discussed here a zillion times.

This was posted by Willard about 100 years ago. I found it with a simple search.

Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.

The little white stick like thing is probably the pistil. I found that by googling "Parts of a flowering plant" images.

Don't mean to get on your case trev1212 but instead of waiting around for answers sometimes it is much quicker to do a little work on your own. You tend to remember things when you find them yourself too. Good luck to your grow.
thanks for your replies guys..

i have done my homework and can find no realy good detailed videos or info.
some is ok but not detailed enough for me. thanks for the list of things to keep in mind.
numers 1-3 are not an issue, too much water maybe. buti only water every other day.
something i got from utube who also has these airpots with grodan growcubes like mine.

thing one thing i have not done in my room is check humidity. it is like 40%
would this be the culprate?

thanks for your inpute, im self pollinating and going to try to be more gentle..
I use my finger to pollinate my Thai chili indoors (I like to think my finger oils help the pollen stick, and is a little more gentle) and it sets pods regularly, my temps are usually a little cooler than 80F and I use cal mag when flowers start opening. I pollinate almost every day so that I catch the flower at multiple maturities.
Could be a ton of things...everyone has plants that drop some flowers, when the time is right some will set for you. My Manzano started flowering last year just as the summer heat really kicked in...dropped flowers all summer. Was beginning to wonder if it would ever set a pod...then I was covered in them for the last four months of the season. Do you notice any pollen while messing with the flowers? Give it time...and a fan and one will stick eventually!