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War Horse, a Garlic Wasabi Hot Sauce

You may recall back in July of last year I was trying to develop a Horseradish / pepper hot sauce and how in the end it came out with no heat at all. If not here's the link:


Well, after some study on what went wrong I've come up with this:

Wasabi Powder
Heart of Palm
Sweet Onion
Green Habaneros
Key Lime Juice
Rice Vinegar

I missed gettting the initial pictures because Sybil died after having her baby, yes my wife has me all caught up in Downton Abbey now and afer watching all of seasons 1 and 2, I'm now catching up on season 3. So,

here's the pics and I love how the color came out a fantastic Wasabi color:

First blending


Second simmer


Second blending


Bottles have been flipped


Taste right out of the pot was SMACK, Garlic and Wasabi which faded to a really really nice fresh herb kind of flavor. The burn was a slow build to a max level right below what a regular Habanero would be. This is my first time using Green Habs so I wasn't sure what their heat would be. I starts out on the tongue then moves towards the back
with the Serannos giving a really nice throat burn. Going to give it a week for all teh flavors to meld and get all loving, hey it's Valentines Day, together.

Not sure where you come up with these ideas but they're pretty dang awesome!
This one is obviously got some Asian influences goin on and sounds terrific.
Keep,on saucin it up man!
If you read through the thread on the last time I did it you'll note that it was good right out of the pot then too but a week later had lost all heat. Boss pointed out that the plantain had a lot of starch in it and I think he's right and the starch soaked up all the heat.

This time I changed it up some and used heart of palm instead of plantains. So far Im very happy with it but we'll see how it is in a week.
Wasabi is difficult to work with at its best not to mention expensive if your using the the real thing. The hardest part is that the enzyme that causes the horseradish burn is short lived, especially so in a Wasabi rhizome and its destroyed by heat too. So saving that burn is next to impossible without the right equipment to process and bottle it.
Well, last night was Pizza and movie night. While I was picking up a coule of hot Pizza'a I poped into the Sushi place next door and got a Calafornia Roll and DANG, this sauce was outstanding on there. Still very garlic upfront and a really nice Wasabi follow on. Then the peppers start to build. Guess I'll never got to a Sushi place without it again.

Yeah I know no Pics Didn't happen but it was gone before I could find the camera. So....

True Story :)
And here it is labeled and all


The heat has backed off a bit so it's maybe JalapeƱo level but still very tasty sauce. Garlic up front followed by a very nice fresh Wasabi flavor and finishes with the peppers. Heat is a slow build starting when the wasabi flavor comes in. Very nice!
