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powder-flake Pecan Smoked Scotch Bonnet Powder

Pecan smoked scotch bonnet powder produced by Jamison

Upon first open one immediately notes a very pleasing aroma and bouquet. Reminiscent of the distant scent from a wood burning stove with a rich smoky smell that is very pleasing to the senses. Fluffy, dry and non-clumpy grains of powder evenly ground making it easy to apply, like well stored salt. Either it has been stored very well or he uses a food grade dry pack, thumbs up in my opinion.

The coloration is rustic, brownish dark red which remind me of dried Habanero. Spicy, pungent and flavorful taste followed by a delayed reaction of the heat kicking in seconds after consumption. A pleasant smoky tasting flavor with a heat level normally not associated with a traditional Scotch Bonnet lasting a good 15 minutes. So I am assuming he did not remove the seeds or membrane to achieve this level of heat. Overall a very enjoyable pungent taste and I say this goes well with a good Red Merlot.

Conclusion (1 to 5 in each category), (N/A means not applicable)
Name: N/A
Label: N/A
Appearance: 5
Color: Probably because it’s smoked and possibly seed were not removed but does not resemble Scotch Bonnet Color, but it does have a beautiful smoky appearance = 3
Smell: 4
Taste: 5
Heat: 4
Conclusion: If you like strong smoky rich flavors this is among the top dry powders the market bares. While I did not try this in a bowl of chili, I can see this being one of the finest additives available to enhance chili. Personally I am saving the balance of what I have to do just this. If you have the chance to try this powder I highly recommend it, scoring 4.2 of 5 stars.

Product in use on cracker spread, right side.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy!

Now this powder should be a staple in my house! I used in some chilli the other night and WOW! Honestly think it was the best powder I've had! Haven't tried Joyner's though! I personally like it better than my TFM powder. Smells like smokey BBQ! Nice heat. Would go well as a dry rub for almost anything on the grill, pork, ribs, steak, chicken..

Great review Ramon!

Exceptional powder Jamison!
Now this powder should be a staple in my house! I used in some chilli the other night and WOW! Honestly think it was the best powder I've had! Haven't tried Joyner's though! I personally like it better than my TFM powder. Smells like smokey BBQ! Nice heat. Would go well as a dry rub for almost anything on the grill, pork, ribs, steak, chicken.
I enjoy reading your mini review here ^ very nicely worded ^_^

Great review Ramon!

Exceptional powder Jamison!
Thank you kind sir :)

Another fantastic review! Great Job Ramon! I am scared to send you some now... :confused:
Thank you for the complements, but no reason to fear the truth … something is either good or bad and honesty is the best policy when writing a review. You do know this was my first review for a pepper product but I have been know to write a few about audio gear in da past. I even linked one here in the music area once but didn’t hear a peep back :/

Very nice review like the others said. Now I need to suck up to Mr Jamison:)
Wow, kind of hard getting all these good compliments but hey you my North FL brethren and I can take it, thanks you certainly are a gentlemen.

Excuse me that's Sir Jamison ... I got this Sir Jamison, I will not let you be disrespected like that again...and I shall PM you my Addy...

Thanks for reading it guys! Hope you enjoyed the read and if you get a chance to try it, I would hope you agree with my assessments.
Awesome review Ramon. Very descriptive and to the point! Thanks everyone, really appreciate it!
Jamison, thank you for the feedback it’s good to read. Now let me ask you am I on the money or do you feel any differently about the points I made (please be honest & specific, I'm a big boy now, I can take it)? This is important to me because I too can learn from others taste identification opinions and/or wording. Have a great day!
I wanted to post an apology to Jamison as I rated the “color” a little low IMHO. This is because I did not know until after I posted the review that he uses red Scotch Bonnets and knowing that upfront I would have rated the “color” higher. As in my mind original SB's are yellow. That said, I think it’s silly for me to go back and edit it unless Jamison wants me to.

Also wanted to say I have subsequently tried the rest of his powder on other stuff and it’s awesome on fish and other things. If you ever get the chance to try or buy it, I highly recommend it. Jamison, again my apologies and remember this was my first review … WG get’s ready to be slammed, hehehe