• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ohhh... the horror !!! (update: Al is doing a $150 ghetto greenhouse)

Ok - first post is gonna be somewhat short (typing on a tablet)...

adult male growing peppers... How uncool can my life get? why not do something more exciting, like rub coarse sand into my eyeballs or drill a hole into my kneecap and fill it with Worcester sauce ? I don't know... I maybe it's the cheapskates version of a red sportscar I am not willing to spend moneys on

I am glad I'm married - otherwise I would most Def. not be having any sex the in 2013. Did I mention that I am going bald, too?

Well back on topic...

I always liked spicy stuff, and I do like to grow stuff - so I guess I really carry the nerd deep within. But then again this makes it kind of logical to grow peppers (in a Douglas Adams kind of way).

(to be continued - need to tug the monsters in right now )

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :welcome: [/background]to THP and Greetings from the Metrolina of North Carolina - USA !

Enjoy life ! -- You are lucky to be in one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. :clap:

Getting older is tough, but it beats the hell out of the alternative.
I've thought about drilling holes in my knee caps several times but the Worchester sauce thing is a little disturbing to me :rofl:

Welcome to the forum your in the right place
:welcome: and what better place to hail from for a chile pepper forum? Will be watching this for future entertainment.

BTW - I love Chile's Carménère wines.
I would say that this section is about 98% grown men who grow peppers, so you are in good company. Welcome to the site, hopefully we can look forward to seeing some local varieties in your glog.

now that we established the fact that growing peppers is the most Chuck Norrisish task there is in all gardening :mouthonfire: ... I am back to my blog. I stored my ballet tut-tut and hello-kitty collection ahemm... Harley Davidson motorcycle and heavy metall video collection and went straight to town.

However, not all is golden in the towns of Chile.... trying to get seeds was not without its own funny moments. You can get regular peppers in many places, even your local mom-and-pop shop have them ... but if you want something special, you pretty soon run out of fuel.

Some nightly sessions with the crystal ball (google) revealed that the only "branded" seeds I could get locally were Fatalii and Scotch Bonnets and Bhut J`s.

So I went to the given direction just to find its a drug-store ... drug store in a different kind of way ... a place that sells canabis seeds - which seems to be legal in Chile. Instead of doing a little bit of "knitting on the side", they seem to hawk pepper seeds as well.

I had to pony up my guts and entered the place in macho manner - lets say, I nearly raided the joint :twisted:. Well, not really, :liar: I just asked for pepper seeds. Much to my dismay they didnt have any Bhut`s ... they guy with the tattoo'd face and glassy eyes, tried to cross-sell me some "golden-montego-dream" seeds ... but what can I say ... those didnt fly with me :shame:

To be honest, I felt better after having left the joint with my two envelopes of fataliis and SBs (which they had in stock) while not having stepped into some needles there or being shot in the back :pray:

so, after all this adventure ... voilá I am proud owner of 15 SBs and some 10 fatalíis ...one happy camper here! ...

I knew in about 2 weeks I would be swimming in 1000s of mature hot pepper pods and the fact that its late-summer down here would only speed things up, right? :crazy:

so thx for tuning in, I hope to be able to update later today/tomorrow.

well ...

so now that I have my seeds from "da pushaman" I am pretty much all set ... pepperfame is just a couple of days away from me!

lets see:

seeds .... check
soil .... check - I use a ready mixed substrate with perlite, humus, wormpoops, dried mosquito wings and 3 drops of snake-oil
water .... check -
tray ... check - I have a tray with smallish cells from other earlier intents of growing stevia ... the cells are somewhat smallish (about 1/2" square, so i decide to cut rambo out every other wall thus having 4 times spacier cells.

things look good ... I soak the seeds for a couple of hours, then let them sit some min. in H2O/H2O2. I then top off with some C3H8O and add a dash of C12H4Cl4O2 ... voilá the creme bruleé is finished!! :party:

then the seeds get picked up gently and I tug them into the moist soil (centered in the cell). I water them so they float all around the tray just to have to chase them down again. Darn buggers :rofl:

Off goes the tray into my greentable (its a horizontally mounted door with a makeshift 6x2 greenhouse on top of it).

I will post back with a couple of pics later .. :dance:

cheers, al


Ok, here a couple of pics of my setup ...

this is my "greenhouse" ... just an old door with a makeshift 2x2" and 1x2" structure on top ... works fairly well - the plants you see inside are Stevias (they like it humid)


I had the seeds there for about a week before bringing them into the house (we are in late-summer here, with max temps of 30C (85F) but the lows at night are around 50F so somewhat fresh for germinating.

once I got them in ... I couldnt believe what I saw next morning!!!!


7 seedlings had germinated overnight! ... wow - I am truely impressed!

What had me most impressed was the fact that there were sometimes 2 or 3 seedlings germinating where I only put 1 seed! ... pretty efficient in my book!

(it wasnt until later the day that it dawned on me)


Ok, so I have been growing weeds for the better part of 2 weeks - and feeling happy about it ...

however ... we seem to have some RELEVANT movements as well :dance:


looks like one of the seeds is finally germinating :party: ... I have them at fairly constant 80-85F and mostly covered in a milky-transparent rubbermaid box for added humidity (Santiago is fairly dry, you must know)

so, once I see the little plants would there be any need to fertilize them with anything? Or are they best left alone (which is hard to do)

any input welcome,

cheers, Al
Very funny glog so far Al, you've got a good sense of humor I can tell. Will be popping back in for some laughs. Good luck for the rest of your grow, whether it be weeds or peppers. What ever makes you happy :P

that little seed with the tail looks like it needs poking 1/4 inch into the dirt, then covering over. That way it can grow and shed its shell properly.
What a funny start :)
Growing peppers is quite addictive and here you will find one of the most friendly, honest and helpful community on the net!
If you have trouble finding some varieties, there's a lot of people that can help.

Good luck

that little seed with the tail looks like it needs poking 1/4 inch into the dirt, then covering over. That way it can grow and shed its shell properly.

yes, very true ...

the reason its so far out is ....

I dug it out to do some ...

(holds his breath) ...

pepper forensics :shocked:

its back nicely tug in already (and due to my mandhandling it - probably as dead as tuna on a sandwich :twisted: )

thx, Al
Everybody pls sit tight ... we got some serious ACTION going here!

this is neither watermelon nor frijoles ...

but... tataaaan:


the first "Bon Scott" ;) that I managed not to kill before it saw the light.
