First time grower. I have a mix of about 2/3 bag of Happy Frog, 2/3 bag of Ocean Forrest and 1/3 bag of worm castings as potting mix. By my math that's 4 to 1. I also feed with worm tea by just throwing water and worm castings in a container, give it a good stir and water with it every now and again. I also use a little epsom salt spray every now and again. Is this going to get me through an entire grow or am i gonna need to plan on other nutrients down the line? Any suggestions are welcome thanks.
I plan on using the same mix thru the entire grow. Also only planning to grow 6 or 7 plants in 5 gallon containers outside after moving them from my inside lighting. thanks
I plan on using the same mix thru the entire grow. Also only planning to grow 6 or 7 plants in 5 gallon containers outside after moving them from my inside lighting. thanks