food beer infused Yard Bird

While I intended to use all the ingredients pictured below I did not use all the heat depicted or the kids may not have eaten dinner, lol. I also failed to depict in this first picture the cheap canned beer you must use to make this yard bird. Although it can be seen off camera in the lower right of pictures 2, 3 & 4. From right to left I did use home made dry rub (more on that later), Sazón Tropical, Mojo Criollo, romy6 powder and 2 of the green JA habs. As most of you know by now I cook by eye so there will not be measurements provided but I honestly don’t think you need them. I will describe what I did use along the way, enjoy!


Start by cleaning 2 whole chickens, placing in a extra large freezer ziplock baggie, pour in 1 bottle of Mojo Criollo and setting into refrigerator for at least 5 hours, with and additional 2 hours at the end at room temp. I used Goya brand but there are other as good or better Mojo's available. I did not have the time or desire to make my own, hehe. Click here to see this step depicted (that's me getting around the 10 pic limit, lol). It’s at this point that you can add addtional to the Mojo Criollo and where I deviated from my original plan as I only put 2 of the green Habs chopped into fourths. I had intended to put a super hot dried pepper (Butch T) into the liquid but decided it would be too much heat for the children. That said, the heat you add into the rub both externally and internally make the largest difference IMHO.

7 hours later you are ready for the rub or when the Mojo reaches room temperature. I’m sure you guys roll your own as we do, if not you’ll have to buy your favorite dry rub of choice. Mine is a combination of dried & flaked JA Hab, garlic, all spice berries, thyme, secret seasonings (only kidding) and etc. etc. etc. Once I rubbed down both birds, I took a good portion of romy6 powder and thoroughly rubbed all over the adults bird. Both were rubbed in the internal cavity with a little Sazón Tropical, probably not enough to make a taste difference but it look pretty in there ;) BTW hot powder in the internal cavity is important to add additional heat to dem yard birds!



Yea put your hand in there with some powder, she won't bite :D and that's not the only thing that will be going in there, hehe.

Once the yard birds are fully rubbed down, it’s time to insert a cheap beer into their cavity. I normally lower the level of the beer around 1 to 2 inches from the top to avoid spillage when it boils. Carefully stand both yard birds in the grill as depicted below. Side note this works just as well in the smoker with your favorite wood of choice but I was a little lazy and opted for the webber. Mine cooked up in one and a half hours but depending on temp your cook time can vary.


Cook on low heat for 1.5 to 2 hours, I used around 250 to 300 degrees but kept a meat cooking internal thermometer handy to make sure the birds were ready.



For da veggies I first steamed broccoli, baby carrots & string beans to soften them up. Then I sautéed them all with fresh garlic & extra virgin olive oil in a sautée pan.

Yard birds pulled off their beer stand and ready to cut ...

Finished plate; Yard Bird, Veggies & rice ...

Thanks for looking/reading, this yard bird dish is delish and if done properly the bird is exteemly moist, enjoy!
Looks very , very nice ! Way to go .. Chicken looks moist and the rice & veggies make me want a taste too.

They look great, I am a big fan of beer can chicken and have gone as far to do a beer can turkey breast!
Yes we be fans too \o/ Turkey, Cornish Hen or other birds with a large enough cavity also come out wonderful! We’ve only done the 3 birds over the years. On another note there are smaller diameter cans that you can substitute the liquid in them for beer if the cavity is too small (i.e. red bull tin).

Looks very , very nice ! Way to go .. Chicken looks moist and the rice & veggies make me want a taste too.

Thanks for checking, this one's a must try ... you can even just rub the bird with semi dry jerk seasoning and you'll be amazed at the outcome. Easy to do, I'm surprised it's not more popular. IMHO I prefer this method over using my rotisserie motor ^_^

Edit: Sorry forgot to mention that while the pictures of the finished yard bird do not depict any power on them, trust me dem have enough heat and then some with that coating of romy6 powder on them. Also with that long Mojo soak, there is no other condiments needed (i.e. salt, etc.)
Just showed me wife da chickens picture ... She wanted to pass pon to you .... she loves chicken dat look that way ... Especially when they're lockin' nubs and dancing ...

Two better than one ....
Just showed me wife da chickens picture ... She wanted to pass pon to you .... she loves chicken dat look that way ... Especially when they're lockin' nubs and dancing ...

Two better than one ....
Erin tell her thank you and now you'll have to make her some, I think you guys will enjoy how juicy & tasty the chicken comes out. Do your JA veggies instead of mine and the rice is optional but we don have some Asian decent as we love rice almost any way ... hmm rice & peas would have been better.
That's some good lookin' drunken chicken! Did you inject with anything?
Thanks! No injection but I do have that gear as well. The soak in Mojo seriously penetrates the bird as if it was injected and works better at total meat penetration with even dispersal. A few times in the past I have left it soaking longer but there really isn't a need as 5 to 7 hours does the trick just fine and Mojo can be over powering if left on too long.
I may have to try that. I've found the same thing with injecting..... too many little pockets of overpowering injected marinade.
Lookin' :drooling: , mi hermano! I reckon next few pretty, non-rain days have, time to do some b-can chix. I totally agree with what folks've posted on injecting yb: I inject pork butt, I inject turkey, but not yb, as the marinade really permeates on overnighter . . . also, link to your mojo recipe isn't working, querido. If you wouldn't mind posting? Thanks, sweetie!
Wow! You got on my desktop.


You are in fine company ... Jennifer Aniston ... Angelina Jolie ... tranquil beaches, rainforest scenes, and a number of sunsets have all been known to happen there as well ...
I may have to try that. I've found the same thing with injecting..... too many little pockets of overpowering injected marinade.
Phil, You are right, I’ve found that to be the case with turkey and chicken as well. If I do inject, it’s in small portions and all over the item, both deep and shallow. In this case the Mojo marinade for so many hours penetrates evenly without leaving any pockets as you say. I also use Mojo marinade for other things. Not sure if you or anyone else uses naranja agria (sour oranges) for marinades, but this & lots of garlic works really well for pork. Give the Mojo a try, it’s well worth the buck and a half it cost. Thanks for feedback & comments … Hope you enjoy it if you give it a go :)

Lookin' :drooling:, mi hermano! I reckon next few pretty, non-rain days have, time to do some b-can chix. I totally agree with what folks've posted on injecting yb: I inject pork butt, I inject turkey, but not yb, as the marinade really permeates on overnighter . . . also, link to your mojo recipe isn't working, querido. If you wouldn't mind posting? Thanks, sweetie!
Annie thanks for positive vibes & comments as always mi hermana ^_^ I’m wondering what link as I didn’t post a Mojo recipe, I hot linked a picture of the raw yard birds in the ziplock with Mojo, did that not work? Or is there another bad link I missed? Sorry, I'm beat ... worked all day, came home to transplant the big girl and off to work at 5 AM :(

Wow! You got on my desktop.
*Two Cooked Yard Bird Picture*

You are in fine company ... Jennifer Aniston ... Angelina Jolie ... tranquil beaches, rainforest scenes, and a number of sunsets have all been known to happen there as well ...
Thanks Grant, hope you enjoy the picture ^_^ I use one of my peppers with a blurry background on one machine, I really love that one and on the other I use a picture of a baby green iguana I caught by the river, yea I let him go but I was naive back then, lol.
Thats aweome Ramon. I love how you got them sitting there, too funny. Beer can chicken is sooo yummy, and the steamed vegetables, thats def one of my fav dinners man! Its 5 am here now and I cannot wait for dinner!
Looks great and I imagine it tastes the same. Moist like the way it should look. Nice idea on swinging the food over here...........I have to figure how to do this ?
Very tasty, healthy looking meal there!
Thank you it was tasty! It's been a while since we did the last yard bird like that and now wife says we need to make it again within a week or two, I promise no more pictures, lol. But next time it’s smoked for sure :)

Thats aweome Ramon. I love how you got them sitting there, too funny.
You should have seed what they were doing before that picture; I had to quickly extinguish their cigarettes ;) or I may have seen dat ban hammer for posting dem, hehe.

Beer can chicken is sooo yummy, and the steamed vegetables, thats def one of my fav dinners man! Its 5 am here now and I cannot wait for dinner!
Definitely had been a while since last we cooked dis and I surprised the wife & kids with this one, so I had to make it interesting. I always hate to hear “oh that again,” and this definitely brought smiles to their faces :)

Looks great and I imagine it tastes the same. Moist like the way it should look.
Thank you and you’re right it’s always amazing how moist this dish comes out but I’m sure you’ve done this oldie many a time ^_^ Also it always amazes me how well the rubs pass on flavor & heat to the meat …

Nice idea on swinging the food over here...........I have to figure how to do this ?
What … you gave me the idea mi Chicago brethren either a week or two ago I thought you did the same o_O That said, I still want to post a little foodie in my glog, as to me food goes hand in hand with my peppers and how I use them. Same as you do I’ve noted, cept my stuff is more off-da-wall :D BTW the leftovers make killer sandwiches! Can’t wait to do the smoked version next time …

Edit: IIRC you did this for the throwdown entry, or was there no link?
For anyone else reading I can explain how you create hot links here. You take the http link from the one you want people to jump or look at and do like below: